You are all aware of the NHS appeal for scrubs. The Lodge of Established Order together with the other orders that meet at Barton Upon Humber responded last week to a local appeal from a seamstress who was asking for material to make scrubs.
She is one of 300 seamstresses in North Lincolnshire who are making scrubs at home. Although they are donating their time, they struggle for materials.
Our lodge donated £100 to the cause, together with the other lodges and the chapter to the same amount, hence £400 was pledged, since then members have pledged sums of £100 each and more, in a week over £1k has been sent to appeal.
As well as the local seamstresses, W. Bro. Andy Murray has secured the services of a factory in Spilsby which is currently out of work and the staff laid off, the 33 staff have agreed to work for free to make Scrubs. There is only one problem, they need material. If anyone would like to donate to this major development any help would be appreciated.
I have also been asked about masks, the Government guidelines suggest that masks do not protect against infection but do help to stop the spread of the virus to some extent and suggest that scarves or cloth masks should be worn when out and about.
I spoke to the seamstress who is making the scrubs and she had already designed a suitable mask or snood which fits the bill. She has agreed to make as many as we would like to order. Working out the costs with a profit to provide additional income to purchase materials for scrubs cloth, the mask or snood is on sale at a price of £2.50 including postage.
Made of a double layer of lycra the mask is easy and comfortable to wear and can easily be pulled up or down over the face or around the neck, it is washable and can be used over and over again.
For an order form please email W. Bro. Phil Spicksley on
Sincerely and fraternally yours
P.W. Spicksley,