Alford Masonic Centre
Masonic Hall
Chapel Lane
LN13 9DP
Hamilton Lodge No. 1600
Second Monday October to May Inclusive. Installation March.
No Chapter meets at Alford
Barton Upon Humber Masonic Centre
Masonic Hall
Brigg Road
DN18 5DH
St Matthew Lodge No 1447
Third Tuesday September to May inclusive. Installation November.
Lodge of Established Order No 9822
First Tuesday, March, June, September and November. Installation March.
St. Matthew Royal Arch Chapter No. 1447
Second Tuesday, November, January, March (I), and May.
With a rich history that dates back to 1786, St. Matthew Lodge is one of the oldest in Lincolnshire. We meet on the third Tuesday of each month, except for the months of June, July, and August. These meetings take place in our Masonic Hall in Brigg Road, Barton – which was built in 1875.
Our membership draws from a wide geographical area and from every walk of life. It includes younger members as well as those with perhaps a few more miles on the clock. As with our founding members, we at St Matthew believe that equality is everything. No matter what their circumstances we consider each member of our lodge to be equal. We believe that everyone has their own vital contribution to make, and that we can learn from each other in the process.
We believe in putting charity and friendship at the heart of what we do. Many good causes have benefitted from our efforts over the years, and the lodge has responded to countless national and international emergencies. As well as our Lodge meetings, we also have other social events where family and friends are encouraged to attend. We are a supportive community, and have members in place to help brethren and their loved-ones navigate their way through the challenges of life.
Although we are rightly proud of our history and tradition, we are a forward-looking Lodge and are always open to new ideas. Over the years there have been many hundreds of people who have benefitted from membership of St Matthew and enriched the life of the lodge in the process.
Could you be the next?
Contact us for more information: Sect1447@gmail.com
The Lodge of the Established Order is a lively and progressive lodge who meet in Barton upon Humber. We welcome good men from all walks of life who want to meet new people, contribute to the local community and learn about the traditions and mysteries of Freemasonry. In common with all Freemasons, we strive to live good lives and we share an enjoyment of Freemasonry and a unique bond of fellowship. Charity is also a core principle of Freemasonry and in recent years the lodge has supported the local Salvation Army, young carers, hospice, air ambulance and hedgehog rescue centre, to mention but a few.
We pride ourselves on being a proactive, innovative, and friendly lodge with around 45 members ranging in age from 20s to 80s. Our membership comes from all walks of life Including teaching, police and fire and ambulance services, armed forces, and local industries. Some of our members live in Barton but others come from further afield including the South, North, and East Yorkshire.
In Freemasonry we meet as equals and we welcome all eligible men irrespective of their occupation social status, faith ethnicity or sexual orientation. Freemasonry is not a religion although members are required to acknowledge a religious belief.
In 2006 several local Freemasons began to pursue the idea of founding a Freemasons Lodge based upon persons who offered a service to the public. In 2007 the Lodge was formed. We welcome applications from all eligible men irrespective of their occupation.
The Lodge of Established Order was conceived as a fun-loving lodge where members could relax and enjoy themselves at the end of the working week. We take an earnest approach to our Freemasonry, but we also have a reputation for not taking ourselves too seriously; a sense of humour is recommended! We are a diverse lodge with some masons who are very active and others who take their Freemasonry at a more leisurely pace.
Our Masonic year starts with the installation of the new Worshipful Master in November. Our meetings start at 6.30pm and usually finish by around 10pm. At our meetings we perform ceremonies which progress newer members into Masonry, and we also learn about Freemasonry and its philosophy. After the meeting the bar is open before we enjoy a dinner known as a Festive Board, where we relax and get to know each other and our guests. Members are encouraged to attend meetings, rehearsals and social events.
4 meetings a year
1st Tuesday of March, June, September and November
6-30pm – 10pm (approx.
(5.30 pm start in November)
Masonic Hall, Brigg Road,
Barton upon Humber, DN18 5DH
Contact: secretaryleo9822@gmail.com
Dark lounge suit, white shirt and either Provincial, Lodge or Black tie and white shirt.
Initiation fee: £120
Annual subscriptions: £100 Joining fee: £30
We prepare for some of our meetings with a rehearsal which is often on a weekday evening during the week preceding the meeting.
Members are encouraged to visit other lodges and to invite other Masons as guests to lodge meetings. Visiting other lodges is considered one of the most enriching and enjoyable aspects of Freemasonry.
Friendship and family are important to us, and we arrange several social events each year. We also support events held by other lodges and the Province.
Our ideal candidate will share our masonic commitment to good citizenship but also contribute to our light-hearted approach to Freemasonry. It is important to us that candidates understand the time commitments and are happy to take an active part in the life of the lodge.
Boston Masonic Centre
Masonic Hall
Main Ridge West
PE21 6QQ
Lodge of Harmony No. 272
Second Tuesday, October to May inclusive. Installation January.
Franklin Lodge No. 898
First Thursday October to May inclusive. Installation October.
Lindis Lodge No. 4690
Third Thursday, October to May inclusive. Installation February.
Pilgrim Fathers Lodge No. 8795
Fourth Thursday, September to April inclusive except December. Installation September.
Contact the Lodge Secretary
St. Botolph’s Royal Arch Chapter No. 272
Third Monday, Installation in October, November, January, March, and April.
Pilgrim Fathers Royal Arch Chapter No. 8795
Second Thursday, October, December, February, and Installation in May.
Established in 1806, the Lodge of Harmony is the oldest Lodge in Boston and prides itself in maintaining its heritage, traditions and diverse membership drawn from the local community and beyond. We meet eight times a year at the Masonic Hall in Main Ridge West, Boston, PE21 6QQ, on the second Tuesday of the months between October and May inclusive at 6.30 pm. Meetings usually last between 3.5 and 4 hours where a formal ceremony takes place after which we retire to the bar for drinks followed by a meal in our dining room.
You are encouraged to become involved in the ceremonies for which we run a Lodge of Improvement on the third Tuesday of the months above. This is an informal meeting to help all members to better understand the workings of Freemasonry and become more involved in the ceremonies if they so desire.
Although we have a diverse membership, there are many opportunities to visit and meet with members of other Masonic Lodges, either formally or informally, at many varied functions held locally and throughout the Province. Many of these include families and friends. These activities and those of the Lodge support one of our core actions, to help and support the many local organisations and charities to which we regularly donate towards.
We all have the same aim which is to enjoy OUR Freemasonry.
If you require any more information and wish to become a member of this great proud Lodge and Fraternity, please contact:
The Lodge Membership Officer – Brother Roger Ladds
Tel: 07984 694099, email busterjudge@googlemail.com
or the Lodge Secretary, email secharmony272@ gmail.com
Looking forward to hearing from you.
The Franklin Lodge was formed when certain Brethren met at the Peacock Hotel, Boston, to consider making an application for a new lodge, and the discussion naturally turned to the choice of a name. At that time the name of Sir John Franklin was news. In September 1859 the yacht ‘Fox’, which had been fitted out at Lady Franklin’s expense, returned to England bringing the mournful tidings of his death and the complete loss of the ‘Erebus’ and ‘Terror’ with their crews, but proving that he had indeed discovered the North-West Passage. Soon afterwards a statue was erected to his memory in his native Spilsby by public subscription. As our founders turned over the matter of a name, they decided that “instead of ransacking the calendar for ancient saints of more or less mythical history, to take the wiser course of looking around for some worthy of modern times”.
It seemed, that no name more suitable than that of a man of Sir John’s heroic devotion to duty could be chosen. The County connection, as well as his profession of seaman also recommended the name to them and so Franklin was decided upon. The petition was granted on 18th October 1860 and the warrant bore the number 1140. Two years later Grand Lodge filled up the numbers of many defunct lodges and our number then became 838. The first meeting of Franklin Lodge was held on Tuesday 18th December 1860 at the Peacock Hotel, Boston, Lincolnshire. The Lodge continued to have it’s meetings at the Peacock Hotel until 26th October 1905 when it moved to a new address on Boston High Street, with furniture for the new Lodge being donated by the occupants. The Lodge eventually moved to it’s present venue in 1955.
Notable members of Lodge included, John Oldrid, Tom Kitwood, Fred Peck and C F Parkinson to name a few whilst 14 have been honoured by being made Mayor of Boston dating back to 1898.
Our Lodge meets on the first Thursday of each month from October to May commencing at 6.30pm along with a rehearsal the preceding evening and also operates a Lodge of Improvement where members can go to practice ritual on the fourth Monday from September to April culminating in an annual festival at the April meeting. Following each full meeting and also the LOI annual Festival, we all retire for meal on the premises and a few drinks to enable us to catch up with other but refraining from any topics of a political or religious nature.
The key principles of Freemasonry are Friendship, Respect, Integrity and Service all run through activities of the Lodge. We are proud to support local worthy needs through our charitable giving throughout the year and also look out for our widows and fellow Brethren in times of need.
If you would like to have an initial chat about what Freemasonry and our Lodge has to offer please contact :-
Nigel Hamer, Lodge Secretary at NAHamer@btinternet.com or
Pete Booth, Membership Officer at Boothpk@aol.com
Bourne Masonic Centre
Masonic Hall
Roman Bank
PE10 9LQ
Hereward Lodge No. 1232
Third Friday, September to May inclusive. Installation October.
Second Wednesday, October to April inclusive, first Wednesday in May. Installation November.
Hereward Royal Arch Chapter No. 1232
First Wednesday November (I), February, April, and June.
The Hereward Lodge, number 1232, is a long and established Masonic craft lodge having been consecrated in 1868 at the Angel Hotel, Bourne.
The founders of the lodge named the lodge after a respectable son of Bourne – Hereward the Wake – wake meaning watchful – and is recorded in the Domesday Book as holding lands in the parishes of Witham-on-the-Hill, Barholm and Stowe.
In its early years the lodge was known as a “moon lodge”, meaning that meetings took place on Wednesday, on or before the Full Moon, at 7pm in the evening, at the Angel Hotel. In those days there was no “e” in the spelling of Bourne.
In 1882 at a meeting, it was unanimously carried “that the day of meeting be altered from the Wednesday to the Friday on or before each full moon”. In 1938 at a building on Wherry’s Lane, the new Bourne Masonic Temple was consecrated. 1968 saw the Centenary meeting held at the County Secondary School Bourne. 1982 saw the formation of a second Craft Lodge in Bourne that shares the same premises. The Lodge of Aveland became our daughter lodge, number 9060. 2011 -Premises on Wherry’s Lane was sold and new property on Roman Bank acquired. This was consecrated in September 2011. 2018 – The Hereward Lodge celebrates its 150th year anniversary.
Freemasonry is one of the world’s oldest and largest non-religious, non-political, fraternal, and charitable organisations. It teaches self-knowledge through participation in a progression of ceremonies. Members are expected to be of high moral standing and are encouraged to speak openly about Freemasonry.
Freemasonry instils in its members a moral and ethical approach to life: its values are based on integrity, kindness, honesty, and fairness. Members are urged to regard the interests of the family as paramount but, importantly, Freemasonry also teaches concern for people, care for the less fortunate and help for those in need.
The Hereward Lodge meets 8 times a year, from September to April (inclusive) on the 3rd Friday of the month.
Meetings start at 6.30pm, and generally last about 1 ½ hours, and take place in a formal setting during which traditional Masonic ceremonies may be performed along with the administrative business of the Lodge. Afterwards we retire to dinner, known as the Festive Board, where we enjoy a 3-course meal, which currently costs between £13 and £15 along with a bar for drinks. The evening usually concludes by 10pm.
Hereward Freemasons are required to dress as follows, dark suit, black or Provincial tie, white collar and gloves, black shoes, and socks, and of course, our Masonic Regalia, which can be different depending on what stage of your Masonic Career you are at.
Rehearsals for Masonic ceremonies are held on the Friday before each meeting, and those members who are involved in the ceremony/meeting are encouraged to attend. New members are welcome to attend these rehearsals, and when they are ready, they are encouraged onto the masonic pathway, which is a structured progression, leading them to ultimately become the Master of the Lodge for a year. They will be supported at all stages as part of the Masonic Mentoring Programme.
To aid both new members and other longer serving members a “Lodge of Instruction” is held on the first Friday of the month. The intention here is to educate and enlighten in all aspects of Masonry, rituals, and protocols. This is very informal and as at the Rehearsal, the dress code is casual.
Charity is close to a Freemasons heart and money raised is donated to local charities/organisations as well as the Provincial Charity fund and to the national Masonic Charitable Foundation (MCF) which makes sizeable donations to many worthy causes and in support of worldwide disasters. We support struggling families, people with learning difficulties, the elderly in society, we help the homeless, and we help hospitals fund research on degenerative diseases. Freemason’s donations are second only in size to those of the National Lottery.
On becoming a Freemason, you will soon be making new friendships with people having similar outlooks on life. We welcome men of all Faiths and Religions, people of integrity who desire the very best for each Freemason or complete stranger, making life fun and being worthwhile.
Above all, we enjoy our masonry and welcome good men from all backgrounds.
For more information contact
Ian Greenfield
07788 144537
The Lodge of Aveland N° 9060 was consecrated on Saturday 12th February 1983 at the Grammar School in South Road Bourne by the Provincial Grand Master at the time Rt W Bro G. M. Cooper. There were a total of 152 Freemasons present on the day.
The Lodge of Aveland was formed from 25 members of Hereward Lodge, as in the late 1970s it became clear that the membership and meeting attendance numbers at Hereward Lodge was making the Masonic Hall at the time uncomfortable and cramped.
So where does the name Aveland come from?
Aveland is a Wapentake of the Thirding (Riding) of Kesteven of Lincolnshire. It is Anglo Saxon in origin and extends from Osbournby in the North to Bourne in the South, Kirkby Underwood in the West to Sempringham in the East. A Wapentake is said to have derived from an ancient Anglo Saxon word meaning Weapon Touch – which was the custom of touching the local Lord’s sword blade as a token of fealty.
It is closely linked with the term Hundred which was an area that could provide a local Lord with 100 swords should they be needed for battle.
To indicate its Anglo Saxon origins our Lodge banner has an Anglo Saxon crown and sword on the badge and it is decorated with acorns and oak leaves – these being emblematic of the ancient woodland that used to cover this area.
The Lodge of Aveland meets eight times a year from October to May on the second Wednesday of the month except May which is the first Wednesday.
Our meetings start at 6.30pm and consist of around an hour and a half of ceremonies and formalities after which we can get a drink at our bar followed by a meal served by our caterers.
The Lodge is made up of members from all walks of life and backgrounds including shop owners, plasterers, accountants and mini bus drivers to name a few and of all ages young and old.
While we are serious when we need to be and pay great attention to detail, we are generally a fun and friendly lodge and enjoy our evenings in a very relaxed atmosphere. We are also a very progressive lodge and have embraced the use of social media including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to share our stories and information to the wider public and to members around the world.
The Lodge of Aveland also enjoys lots of social events throughout the year many of which are attended by family and friends of it’s members some examples of these are hog roasts, race nights, Christmas meal and black tie events.
For more information contact
Barry Harriman, Lodge Secretary
Brigg Masonic Centre
Masonic Rooms
Cary Lane
DN20 8ES
Website http://www.briggmasons.co.uk/
Ancholme Lodge No 1282
Third Monday, October to May inclusive. Installation April.
Glanford Vale Lodge No. 9769
Second Thursday, October to May inclusive. Installation October.
Ancholme Royal Arch Chapter No. 1282
First Tuesday, October, December, February (I), and April.
The Ancholme Lodge of Freemasons was established in 1869, and moved to the current Masonic building in Carey Lane in October 1880. The Lodge building itself dates back to substantially earlier being previously owned by The Tadcaster Tower Brewery Company. This brings an old world charm to our meetings, however we are not rooted in the past, we see ourselves as a modern thinking Lodge, open to new ideas and welcoming to new members and visitors.
People join Freemasonry for many different reasons, and Freemasonry really does have something for everyone. The solid support that Freemasonry both gives and receives offers friendship, fun and a deep sense of purpose between members.
Charity is one of the Grand Principles upon which Freemasonry is founded, which provides an opportunity to help others in need in a variety of ways. Like all Lodges, we have been very generous over the years with fundraising and charitable giving.
The Ancholme Lodge is attended by members & visitors from a wide catchment area, not just Brigg and the surrounding villages, it also includes Market Rasen, Crowle, Scunthorpe and Barton upon Humber. We are a strong lodge with members of all ages from young working people right through to older retired people.
We meet on the Third Monday, October to May inclusive, with a start time of 6:30; a relatively late start time allowing working members & visitors to attend after work.
A typical Lodge evening consists of a formal ceremony (1.5-2 hours) followed by a very social dinner (1.5 hours) in our own, full of unique character, dining room, and the evening is over by 10:00pm.
The market town of Brigg was thriving in the 18th century, and the first attempt to start a Masonic Lodge, the Urania Lodge No. 510, was in 1792 at a time when George III was on the throne and William Pitt the Younger was Prime Minister. These were very uncertain times, and the Lodge did not flourish. A second attempt to start a lodge, this time called the Ancholme Lodge No. 785, was made in March 1847, but the Lodge only survived for 12 years, until 1859. The current Ancholme Lodge was formed 10 years later in 1869.
The Lodge met in Brigg Town Hall for 6 years until, on 7th January 1875, it received notice to leave the following morning. It must have been quite a panic looking for another venue at short notice; Foresters’ Hall (part of the Ancient Order of Foresters) was quickly identified, (recently more well known as Whelpton’s garage), before the move in 1880 to the Carey Lane building.
If you would like to hear more about Freemasonry, Ancholme Lodge No.1282, or are interested in becoming a Freemason please contact the Ancholme Lodge Secretary on ancholme1282@outlook.com
Masonic Hall
1 Kings Road
DN35 0AJ
Lord Worsley Lodge No. 3017
First Tuesday, October to May inclusive. Installation February.
Apollo Lodge No. 5471
Third Tuesday, September to April inclusive. Installation October.
Vigilantes Lodge No 7264
Fourth Tuesday, September to April inclusive, except December and third Wed in May. Installation April.
St Peter Lodge No 7648
Fourth Friday, September, November to April inclusive except December and third Friday in October and May. Installation May.
Lodge of Old Clee No. 8697
Third Wednesday, September to April inclusive. Installation March.
Lord Worsley Royal Arch Chapter No. 3017
Second Tuesday, October (I), December, February,and April.
St. Peter Royal Arch Chapter No. 7648
First Thursday, November, January, March, and May(I)..
The Lodge was founded in 1953, and is proudly celebrating its rich heritage with its 70th anniversary in 2023. Vigilantes Lodge is widely known as a ‘fun & friendly’ Lodge, boasting a lively Festive Board with visitors always warmly welcomed.
With easy access (ramps, lift and disabled toilet) and ample parking, Cleethorpes Masonic Hall is a wonderful venue to attend. Having recently undergone extensive renovations, the Lodge room itself makes a beautiful backdrop to a varied programme of events including masonic ceremonies, fascinating talks and presentations, as well as a variety of social gatherings for our friends and families too. Lodge meetings start at 18:30 prompt, but many gather in the bar from 17:30 onwards.
Vigilantes’ Festive Boards are a convivial occasion, with fine dining offered by the restaurateur behind popular local establishments ‘The Curious Cat’ and ‘Abby’s Bistro’. Our Festive Boards usually consist of a hearty three-course meal, followed by tea or coffee, and a well-stocked raffle supports our fundraising efforts. Afterwards you can join our Brethren and visitors in the bar to continue the fellowship and round-off an enjoyable masonic evening.
Though not the largest in the area, Vigilantes Lodge boasts a select Membership of likeminded men from Grimsby, Cleethorpes and surrounding areas. For Initiates, Vigilantes members take a lot of time and care getting to know you personally, to ensure our Lodge is the right fit for your Masonic journey. For existing Freemasons, Vigilantes regularly accepts joining members from across the county; with joiners often quoting our ‘fun & friendly’ approach as their reasoning for joining. We’d encourage you to come along to visit, and see what we’re all about!
For more information about visiting Vigilantes (or joining, if you’re a prospective member), please visit www.vigilanteslodge.co.uk
St Peter Lodge 7648 is a vibrant and traditional Freemasons’ Lodge in the Province of Lincolnshire. Founded in 1959
We strive to maintain the values and standards of Freemasonry:
1. Integrity Freemasonry is a modern organisation that provides members with the tools to develop themselves as people of strong moral character and integrity.
2. Friendship Freemasonry is one of the oldest social organisations in the world that is open to people of all religions and political beliefs, and provides a platform for members to form lasting friendships.
3. Respect Freemasonry in the UK has over 150,000 members from diverse backgrounds, united by a shared commitment to bringing people together regardless of race, religion, or other differences.
4. Service Whether participating in events, fundraising for a charitable cause or volunteering for public or community organisations, service is at the very heart of Freemasonry. Our members make valuable contributions by donating time, resources and skills.
We enjoy a diverse membership, young and old. Our team of experienced officers encourages newer members to take an active part in our ritual and ceremonies and to progress in Freemasonry.
We encourage all our members to attend the regular Lodge meetings, if their situations allow. The Lodge Almoner is always aware of those who, for reasons of ill health or other matters, are unable to be with us.
There is also the St Peter Chapter 7648 for Masons who, having taken their third degree, are interested in progressing further to complete their masonic journey.
After payment of the initiation fee, the current annual subscription is £200.
We meet eight times a year on the 4th Friday September, November, January, February, March April, and the 3rd Friday of October and May, at the Masonic Hall, 1 Kings Road, Cleethorpes. Meetings begin at 6.30pm except in May, when we start earlier for the Installation of a new Worshipful Master. There is a formal, but friendly, festive board in the dining room after each meeting.
Dress Code
The dress code is dark suit, white shirt, black, Provincial or UGLE tie, black shoes, white gloves and regalia.
Social Activity
Social activity generally includes a Ladies Evening in March, and occasional social functions for family and friends where all are welcome.
Ideal Candidate
Our ideal Candidate will share our Masonic commitment to good citizenship and take an active part in Lodge activities. A belief in a Supreme Being is essential.
We are actively recruiting new potential Candidates. Freemasonry is a very good investment in a member’s future and personal development. You will grow in confidence, begin to really understand yourself, your position, and the role that you could play in the world.
If you would like to make new like minded friends of all faiths, in one of the most vibrant Lodges in the area, where fun and friendship bring together men of integrity to build the character of their fellow men, please get in touch..
For further information please contact the Membership Officer, Craig Maurier on 07718 600655 or by Email: craig@maurier.co.uk
Held at the Masonic Hall, 1 Kings Road, Cleethorpes, on the Third Wednesday, September to April inclusive.
Warrant Dated, 11th February 1976.
The Lodge of Old Clee is one of five lodges that meet at the Cleethorpes Masonic Hall, which is located adjacent to Cleethorpes Seafront, opposite the Leisure Centre. Our Lodge also borders a residential area, which places the Masonic Hall within easy reach of Freemasons, the general public and local residents, should they wish to hire the facilities, such as the Function Room, or to simply enjoy a meal.
With 30 subscribing members currently, we are a relatively small lodge compared to other lodges in the Province of Lincolnshire, therefor, we are actively recruiting new potential Candidates. After the initial joining fees, our annual subscription is currently £ 165.00. This is a very good investment in a member’s future and personal development. You will grow in confidence, begin to really understand yourself, your position and the role that you could play in the world.
Charity is a fundamental aspect of being a Freemason. Four guiding principles are adhered to, to help define our paths through life, these are, Integrity, Friendship, Respect & Charity. Through our voluntary donations, the Masonic Charitable Foundation ‘MCF’ , makes a far reaching impact, not just locally but across the United Kingdom, assisting struggling families, people with learning disabilities, older people in society, helping hospitals, combatting homelessness, helping to fund research on degenerative diseases and many more worthy charities. In fact, Freemasons donations are second only in size to The National Lottery.
Due to an influx of workers to The Humber Bank industries during the early 1970’s, established Freemasons lodges in Cleethorpes were experiencing long waiting list of up to five years. It was decided that a new Lodge was needed and Lord Worsely Lodge no. 3017 sponsored the formation of The Lodge of Old Clee no. 8697.
Formed on, 11th February 1976, we are approaching our 50th Anniversary, which is a great testament to our membership, past and present.
The Lodge of Old Clee also had the honour of laying the wreath on the 10th of November 2019 for Remembrance Sunday on behalf of the Cleethorpes Freemasons.
Freemasons at our Lodge are required to dress as follows, Dark Suit, Black or Provincial Tie, White Collar and Gloves, Black Socks and Shoes and of course, our Masonic Regalia, which can be different depending on what stage of your Masonic Career you are at, at the time.
The facilities at the Cleethorpes Masonic Hall are of a high standard, having undergone recent refurbishment. With an access ramp and toilet for people with disabilities, a lift, large car park, bar and dining area for the Festive Board meal, which currently costs £ 14.50 for a 3 course meal, with tea or coffee served. Food is provided by, KingsHall@CleethorpesMasonic and can cater for approximately 90 Freemasons, visitors and other guests.
The Temple being situated on the 1st floor and being of a comfortable size, this really is an ideal location for our Lodge meetings.
On the night of our Lodge meeting, we arrive from 17:30 onwards where we congregate in the lounge bar for refreshments, ready for our ceremony in the Temple, commencing at 18:30 prompt. Once all business is completed, we the gather once more in the lounge bar for further refreshments and then make our way into the dining area to sit down at our Festive Board meal.
Our membership is very diverse, with people from all walks of life, which in itself can be challenging to maintain continuity of structure within the workings of the lodge. We have however, been able to adapt over the years to the changing environment of the modern working Freemason and the Lodge of Old Clee has proved itself time and again that it is adaptable and flexible to those needs and requirements.
We as a Lodge nurture the Strengths and Attributes of our membership, we encourage but do not push the individual and all personal development takes place at a steady pace. As well as bringing brethren together during our ceremonies, we encourage this still further during our Festive Board meal and also outside of the Lodge, as we did in September 2019 when members, family and friends, all gathered at a local hotel for a great day of food, refreshments and the chance to meet people both old and new.
On becoming a Freemason, you will soon be making new friendships with people having similar outlooks on life. We welcome men of all Faiths and Religions, people of integrity who desire the very best for each Freemason or complete stranger, making life fun and being worthwhile, fun being at the very core of our lodge and Freemasonry as a whole, why else are we here after all ! .
We are as a Lodge successful, due to the quality of our membership and in taking Guidance and Leadership from The Provincial Grand Lodge of Lincolnshire and United Grand Lodge of England.
Masonic Hall
Park View
DN17 4JA
Website: https://crowlefreemasons.org/
Isle of Axholme Lodge No. 1482
Second Wednesday, March to November inclusive. Installation October.
Temple Belwood Lodge No. 8073
First Wednesday, October to June inclusive. Installation April.
Vermuyden Lodge No. 9482
Third Thursday, September to April inclusive. Installation September.
Trent Valley Daylight Lodge No. 9779
Fourth Thursday, March, May, September and October. Installation March.
Isle of Axholme Royal Arch Chapter No. 1482
Fourth Thursday November (I), February, April, and June.
Masonic Hall
New Row
Off 96 Bridge Street
St Guthlac Lodge No 2880
Second Monday, October to May inclusive. Installation May.
Fourth Tuesday, September to April inclusive but third Tuesday in December. Installation October.
St. Guthlac Royal Arch Chapter No. 2880
Second Thursday, September (I), October; Third Thursday, February and April.
St. Guthlac Lodge in Market Deeping was formed in 1902, and has been meeting continuously, eight times a year on the second Monday of each month from October – May with regular fund raising & social events throughout the year.
The Lodge is part of the Province of Lincolnshire, which has more than 3,000 members meeting in 21 centres throughout the historic county.
We meet in a spirit of fellowship and are always ready to talk to people who would like to know more about what we do, why we do it, and our place in the community. We comprise of male members of all ages, races, religions, cultures and backgrounds. There are also some Ladies lodges.
If becoming a Freemason is a journey of personal discovery you think you might find rewarding, please contact our Secretary at stguthlacsecretary@gmail.com or call 07885 135448. We have members from within the Deepings but also from the wider geographical area.
The Story of St. Pega and St Guthlac
GUTHLAC and PEGA were the children of PENWALD and his wife TETTA.
The former was a MERCIAN chieftain of the ICLING clan and was related to the Royal House of MERCIA. PEGA and GUTHLAC were very attached to each other and on GUTHLAC’S leaving what is now known as Retford, she followed him to Croyland but was repulsed by GUTHLAC on the grounds that their affection for each other would detract him from his avowed Hermit’s life,. Repulsed, PEGA took to a coracle and sailed up the river coming to shore on a gravel bank outside a fishing village (Peakirk).
St Pega Meeting Schedule
Expectations for all members
• Regular attendance (within your family and work constraints)
• Participation
• Progression within the lodge
• Keen to engage socially
• Respect for brethren and masonry in general
• Keen to promote charitable donations within the lodge and masonry in general.
Candidate Profile
Including: Golf, Motorsports, Fishing, Rugby, Walking, Cycling, Football, Shooting
Contact for more information: peterchapman31b@gmail.com
Masonic Hall
32 North Marsh Road
DN21 2RR
Yarborough Lodge No 422
Second Monday, September to May inclusive. Installation January.
Gainas Lodge No 5121
Fourth Monday, September to April inclusive except December third Monday. Installation September.
All Saints Royal Arch Chapter No. 422
Third Monday, October, February (I), March, and May.
The history of Yarborough Lodge can be dated back to 1787 with the Prince of Wales Lodge No. 514. In 1792 in a bid to fill lodge numbers it became number 423. In 1834 a petition to Grand Lodge was submitted for the Trent Lodge to regularly meet on the first Monday of every month. A day that is still adhered to at the present time. In 1849 due to a clash of names with the Trent Lodge of Odd Fellows in Gainsborough it was proposed and seconded that the name be changed to Yarborough.
Yarborough Lodge is one of two lodges that meet at Gainsborough Masonic Temple, we currently have 47 subscribing members and always attracts many returning visitors
Our meetings are held on the first Monday of the month September to May with Installation in January. On a typical evening we meet in the Lodge room from 17:30 onwards to prepare for the night. Meetings start at 18:45 prompt with a dress code of morning dress or dark suit, white gloves and black tie and of course Masonic regalia. Once all Lodge business has been completed, we retire to the dining room for a three course meal with a raffle where we meet and socialise with friends old and new.
Lodges through history have always supported charity. Each year we support charities at local, county and national level. There is no minimum or maximum or pressure, just whatever your circumstances allow you to give.
During the year we hold several social events organised by the Social Committee, allowing members, their families and friends to get together at relaxed and enjoyable events.
As with all things in life there is a cost attached, starting with a one off joining fee of £116.20
and an annual membership fee of £160.00. These costs are reviewed annually and all running costs of the organisation are kept to a minimum to allow maximum value for its members.
We hope you have found this page helpful and if you think Freemasonry maybe for you or have a question then please do not to hesitate to contact our Lodge Secretary: Stephen Riding at sjriding422@gmail.com
The Lodge was formed on the 1st May 1929 which means that in 2029 it will celebrate its’ Centenary. We meet in the evenings on the fourth Monday, September to April inclusive except December when it is held on the third Monday. As well as our regular meetings there is at least one event a year open to partners and friends where they can learn more about what we do.
Although the smaller of the two Gainsborough Lodges in terms of numbers, it makes up for this in terms of the welcome given to both joining members and visiting Brethren. There is an eclectic mix of trades and professions and each have their own story on why they joined our fraternal order. Our meetings are supplemented with regular visitors from the other Gainsborough Lodge, Yarborough, and some are members of both. For those that wish to explore the wider meanings and advance their knowledge of Freemasonry, there is a voluntary group that regularly meets at various locations to consider such issues.
Gainsborough is a thriving town with many thousands of new homes currently being built and we like to think we mirror that growth in our community in all that we do. A cohort of younger members compliment the more senior and makes for some lively interaction at the three course
meal that concludes our meetings. It is an excellent way to relax from the pressures of every day living as like minded and focused individuals. It allows an opportunity to add to self confidence, knowledge and self worth, encouraging a commitment to charitable giving to both Masonic and non Masonic causes.
For more information contact our Membership Officer:
Pat O’Connor
07930 334896
Masonic Hall
Faraday House
4 Chambers Street.
NG31 8BL
Doric Lodge No. 362
First Wednesday, October to May inclusive except January second Tuesday. Installation January.
The Granta Lodge No. 4950
Second Thursday, October to May inclusive except December second Monday. Installation November.
William Peters Lodge No. 6761
Fourth Tuesday, September to April inclusive except December, and third Tuesday in May. Installation September.
Sir Isaac Newton Lodge No. 8103
Third Monday, October to May inclusive. Installation May.
Meridian Daylight Lodge No. 9813
Second Friday, October, December, February and April. Installation October.
Doric Royal Arch Chapter No. 362
Third Thursday October, second Thursday December, third Thursday February, and April (I).
Granta Royal Arch Chapter No. 4950
Third Thursday November, fourth Thursday January, third Thursday March, and first Thursday May (I).
Contact Scribe E
The ‘Doric Lodge’ was consecrated (first established) on 3rd January 1820 and is one of the oldest of the 74 lodges in the Province of Lincolnshire warranted by the United Grand Lodge of England.
The Doric Lodge meets eight times a year at the Masonic Hall, Chambers Street, Grantham NG31 8BL on the first Wednesday of every month from October to May, except for the 2nd Tuesday in January.
We are a small friendly Lodge with a current membership of around thirty-five, with ages ranging from 30 to over 80 years. The lodge membership is drawn from many different backgrounds and welcomes members of different faiths, ages, and interests too. Prospective members will find themselves at home here whatever their background.
It is an important rule however, that matters of religion and politics should never be discussed at a masonic meeting.
The Annual Membership for the full 12 months (2021) is currently £170 payable on 1st January.
There is an initial joining fees will amount to a cost of £100 (as at 2021) plus a pro rata of the annual membership.
So, for example, if you joined the Lodge in say March, there are five meetings left of the eight in the year so the sub is 5/8’ths of £170 being £106.25. The total cheque we are looking for day 1 is therefore £100 plus £106.25 means you pay £206.25.
The Lodge normally commences at 6:15pm. At our meetings, which take place in a traditional, formal environment, we may perform a Masonic ceremony or listen to lectures as well as conduct the administrative business of the Lodge. We then retire to dinner, known as the Festive Board, where we enjoy a 3-course meal which currently costs between £12 and £14 along with a cash bar for drinks. The evening usually ends by about 10pm.
Rehearsals for ceremonies are held on the Monday evening before each meeting and those members who are involved in the meeting and/or ceremony are very much encouraged to attend. New members are included early on and most if they so wish would follow a well-structured progression which ultimately will lead them to become the Master of the lodge for a year.
Masonic Dress consists of a dark suit, white formal shirt with a black or Lincolnshire Freemasons tie and formal black shoes.
To aid both newly joined and other longer serving members can attend a Lodge of Instruction (LoI) which is held monthly from October to May and is intended to educate and enlighten members in all aspects of masonic history, procedures and protocols and to experience the various lodge officers’ positions within the lodge in a very relaxed and informal atmosphere. As at rehearsals the dress code is casual.
Experienced members are tasked with supporting new members through the established Mentoring Scheme.
Annually there is usually a formal dinner dance known as Ladies Night when wives, partners and guests are welcomed, hosted by the Master of the lodge. Members are encouraged to mix socially and support other lodges’ social events as well as those organised at a Provincial level.
The Grantham Masonic Curry Club, founded by DORIC members is a social gathering of mostly new and younger members as well as prospective members who meet informally every few weeks to enjoy a beer and a curry and to establish a close relationship across all of the Grantham lodges.
Charity is close to a Freemasons heart and money raised is donated to local charities, the Provincial Charity fund and to the national Masonic Charitable Foundation (MCF) which makes impressive donations to many worthy causes and in support of worldwide disasters. We raise our charitable funds by an alms collection at each meeting, often by a raffle at the Festive Board but mostly by regular donations by standing order, gift aided where possible.
We offer encouragement and support to help our members develop in Freemasonry whilst fully respecting their family and working life commitments.
Above all, we enjoy our masonry and welcome good men from all backgrounds. Masonry is an enjoyable experience providing fellowship, camaraderie, and self-worth.
For further details, contact the Lodge Membership Officer: Chris Watkin, christopher@christopherwatkin.co.uk
Above all, Freemasonry is a Fraternity of like-minded individuals who, through associating with friends, family or acquaintances who are already Freemasons, have decided that Freemasonry is something that they would like to explore. Freemasonry is an eclectic mix of interesting individuals drawn from all walks of life, all with different life experiences, all are interesting in conversation and above all, are individuals with something to contribute to society
We, as Freemasons are a ‘Broad Church’ (Quite Literally). We do not advocate any particular religion but expect that all Freemasons will have some belief system. Indeed, we have members from several religions and although outside the Lodge, discussions on any topic are frequently aired, within the Lodge, discussions of both religion and politics are not encouraged
Freemasonry has always been associated with good causes. We do collect charitable monies on a continuous basis. Both at a national level as well as through the province and down to Lodge level. We donate to global causes such as disaster relief, medical aid to those in need and each year, we select local charities to benefit from cash raised
The essence of Freemasonry is that all are treated as equals, there is no discrimination within Freemasonry and non would ever be tolerated
As Freemasons, we carry out ceremonies and all members will be encourage to participate at their own pace and ability. The writer has seen over decades of being in Freemasonry, the positive effect that participation within this organisation, has had on its members in terms of confidence as well as character building.
One of four main Lodges in Grantham. Key Points of William Peters Lodge:
The William Peters Lodge was created in the name of the first Provincial Grand Master of Lincolnshire, namely the Rev William Peters who was also a Court Painter to nobility as well as a Clergyman
Although the Grand Lodge of Freemasonry has been in existence since 1717, it was based in London. Some seventy-five years later, it was decided that Lincolnshire should become a Province with its own Provincial Grand Master and the rev William Peters was installed in that position in 1792
It is also interesting to note that the first Provincial Grand Lodge was held at the George Inn, Grantham on Thursday, 21st June 1792
For further information about Freemasonry and how to join, contact:
William Peters Lodge Membership Officer
Matt Wainwright on sec6761@hotmail.com
The original purpose of becoming a Freemason was to make better men out of good men; to take fathers, brothers and sons and to improve their moral and spiritual strength. Whilst the language may have changed over the subsequent 300 years this aim still sits firmly at the centre of freemasonry. At Sir Isaac Newton Lodge, we encompass this in all we do and strive to ensure it remains relevant in the 21st century. We are fortunate to have a wide demographic within our numbers, which within any lodge makes for a more enjoyable experience. We have several members from the business community (working and retired) the armed forces and a wide range of professions. we have a great blend between young and old which sees the lodge harness the best every generation has to offer.
We welcome applications from men of all faiths, ethnicities and cultures who simply have a common belief in a supreme being and want to work as a team with other likeminded men. Differences existing in the outside world caused by religion and politics are left outside the door of the lodge which in these challenging times is welcomed by all as a break from what normally separates us.
We also have a lot of newly admitted members, and a young profile.
Each one of us in the Sir Isaac Newton Lodge strives to be the best we can, whether it is in the ritual we perform, raising money for great causes or supporting our fellow masons and society as a whole.
The lodge is unusual as the normal dress for meetings is a dinner suit with black tie making all meetings feel like a very special event.
The Sir Isaac Newton Lodge was consecrated 14th May 1966 and is the youngest of the lodges that meet in the evening. It was the fourth and last of the evening meeting lodges to be consecrated at Grantham and has maintained that youthful enthusiasm. Named after the world-renowned scientist who as a young man attended the Kings school at Grantham, the banner of the lodge reflects one of his many history making scientific principles.
We are not the only lodge named after Sir Isaac Newton as there is a Cambridge University lodge for students and lecturers called the Isaac Newton lodge and visits have been made between the two. Visiting other lodges is strongly encouraged for the benefits it brings.
Meetings are held third Monday of each month between October and May with a start time of 6.15 pm. The meetings start with a business part and then usually conclude with a ceremony. In addition, a lodge of instruction (LOI) and ceremonial rehearsal is held during the Friday evening preceding the lodge meeting this is a casual dress meeting.
The Lodge has a very strong ethos of personal development and the lodge of instruction provides an excellent format in which members are encouraged to develop their presentational and ceremonial skills in a very relaxed and informal style. Members of other Lodges often chose to attend the Sir Isaac Newton LOI. The Lodge of Instruction and rehearsals are led by a very experienced mason who ensures everyone is welcomed, supported and encouraged, with teamwork at the heart of everything we do. A highlight of the year is always the LOI team who carry out a piece of masonic ritual during an additional meeting in April. We have a long and impressive record of providing directors of ceremonies for the province of Lincolnshire and a reputation for top quality ceremonies and personal development.
Lodge meetings always conclude with a few drinks and a meal in the excellent lodge meeting rooms at Grantham. Meals are usually two courses, with a salad option available. The May installation meeting is a grander affair with multiple courses! The lodge is enhanced by many regular visitors who enjoy what we have to offer and add to the fun and enjoyment of the evening.
The key principles of freemasonry of friendship, respect, integrity and charity run through all activities of the lodge. We are on all occasions warm and welcoming and our record on supporting charity is excellent. Many local charities have been supported as well as regional and national charities.
We hope you will appreciate what the Lodge has to offer.
If you would like an initial chat please don’t hesitate to get in touch with
Tony Goddard, Lodge Secretary sirisaacnewtonsec@ntlworld.com
Mike Armstrong, Membership Officer mikandra@tiscali.co.uk
Masonic Hall
Cambridge Road
DN34 5SZ
Pelham Pillar Lodge No 792
29th September and First Thursday November to May inclusive. Installation November.
St Albans Lodge No. 1294
Third Wednesday, October to April inclusive and on 24th June, or if a Sunday the 23rd or 25th. Installation April.
Smyth Lodge No 2284
Second Wednesday, September to April inclusive. Installation November.
Earl of Yarborough Lodge No. 2770
Third Thursday, September to April inclusive. Installation November.
Astral Lodge No 3841
Third Friday, September to April inclusive. Installation October.
Lord Heneage Lodge No. 5979
Fourth Friday, September to April inclusive except December when 4th day after Christmas Day or if a Sunday, then the 5th day after Christmas Day. Installation October.
Saint James Lodge No. 7415
Third Tuesday September to May inclusive except December. Installation March.
Wellow Abbey Lodge No 8819
Second Monday, October to May inclusive. Installation February.
Oliver Royal Arch Chapter No. 792
Fourth Thursday in September, November (I), February and March.
St. Albans Royal Arch Chapter No. 1294
Third Wednesday September, first Wednesday November and February (I), and third Wednesday in May.
Kitwood Chapter No. 2284
First Wednesday October, January, March, and May (I).
Earl of Yarborough Royal Arch Chapter No. 2770
Second Thursday October, November, Janaury, and March (I).
Astral Chapter No. 3841
Second Thursday September December, February, and April (I).
Wellow Abbey Chapter No. 8819
Fourth Monday January (I), fourth Thursday in April, May, and June.
We are a small lodge with members of all ages & from all walks of life. We offer a warm welcome to any new Brother and any visitors. Charitable giving is at our heart, and we support both local and national charities, we raise funds at every Lodge meeting and through various social events.
We welcome applications from all men who share our beliefs regardless of faith, culture or ethnicities
People join Freemasonry for different reasons and we help them to satisfy themselves that they will be happy with us and find what they are looking for. It may be about making new friends and acquaintances, giving and receiving the support of others, or about being able to help deserving causes, supporting a wide variety of Masonic and non-Masonic charities, and making a contribution to family and society. For most it is an enjoyable hobby for those who enjoy helping others, socializing with likeminded people in a friendly atmosphere and making lifelong friends.
Our history
There were two Masonic Lodges established in Grimsby for only a few years at the beginning of the 19th Century, namely the Spurn and Humber Lodge No.61 from circa 1801 to 1823 and the Apollo Lodge No.510 and then No. 544 from circa 1810 to 1834. Each Lodge existed, it will be noticed, for only a little over twenty years and then was swallowed up in time.
The arrival of the railway in 1848 changed Grimsby’s fortunes and the commercial expansion of the town encouraging entrepreneurs to come over from Hull and settle in Grimsby to develop their business interests here. Some of these worthy men were Masons from the Masonic Lodges in Hull and particularly from the Humber and Minerva Lodges.
After a fallow period when Masonry appeared to be completely abandoned it was early in 1859 that there came on the scene a Sergeant in the Borough Police, Stephen Hardcastle, a Mason. He found the Town had no Masonic life in it but that there were Brethren about who had belonged to the earlier Lodges. After discussion with these Brethren the Pelham Pillar Lodge was formed on the 29th September 1859.
‘Pelham Pillar Lodge’, a name taken, from the pillar erected to commemorate the planting of over twelve million trees on the estate in 1849 by the family of Lord Yarborough, the noble Provincial Grand Master for Lincolnshire in 1859
From that time on, for the last one hundred and sixty years the Pelham Pillar Lodge has met on the first Thursday of the month between November and May and also meet on the 29th September, the anniversary date of the founding of the Lodge, a meeting when the ensuing Master and Treasurer are elected to be installed at the Lodge meeting in November.
All Lodge meetings are accompanied by a meal afterward
Pelham Pillar Lodge is the Mother Lodge of the area and all other local Lodges formed from it.
Our Mother Lodge is the Humber Lodge in Hull where we traditionally visit every May
If you would like to know about our history, our Lodge or Freemasonry in general, and meet likeminded people please contact me at
Neil Hardy
Lodge Secretary
Pelham Pillar Lodge
Formed in November 1870 and named after the Duke of St Albans who was then the Provincial Grand Master (PGM) of Lincolnshire, St Albans Lodge is the second oldest lodge in Grimsby.
A number of subsequent PGMs of Lincolnshire have been members of our Lodge.
St Albans is the smallest lodge in the Grimsby & Cleethorpes area offering a warm welcome to all irrespective of whether you’re a potential new Mason wanting to join the Lodge or a Masonic visitor from another Lodge anywhere in the UK or an overseas Lodge recognised by the United Grand Lodge of England.
Our Meetings
We meet on the third Wednesday of the month from October through to April inclusive and also on the 24th June which is St John the Baptist feast day. Meetings are held at the Masonic Hall (also known as The Pelham Suite) on Cambridge Road, Grimsby. We start at 6:30pm and the evening consists of two parts.
The first part of the evening involves our Masonic ceremonies (did you know there’s more than one type of ‘funny handshake’?) followed by the second part which is a meal referred to by Masons as ‘the festive board’.
St Albans is widely recognised as the ‘fine dining Lodge.’ Being the smallest lodge, our festive boards have more of a dinner party atmosphere about them. Our meals also tend to be different from other lodges in the area. As a consequence our meal cost is around £25-30 without drinks. If you enjoy eating coquille st Jacques, pheasant, beef wellington, goose, crème brûlée or posset then you really should choose St Albans as the lodge to join in the Grimsby and Cleethorpes area.
Your Masonic Journey in St Albans Lodge
There are three stages to becoming a ‘fully qualified” Mason starting at Entered Apprentice progressing to Fellow Craft and finally a Master Mason. Each of these steps has its own exclusive ceremony. Lodge members take part in these ceremonies in order to make it a special evening for the person (referred to as the ‘Candidate’) who is going through the three stages of becoming a fully qualified Master Mason. Participants in these ceremonies will, like actors in a play, have had to learn their lines. Once you become a Master Mason you too will be encouraged to participate in the ceremonies.
St Albans, like every other lodge, has a number of Officers starting as a Steward and progressing all the way up to the Master of the Lodge. All members are encouraged to ‘join the ladder’ which means becoming a steward and progressing up through the various offices until finally ending up as Master of the Lodge. It’s a bit like starting on the shop floor and progressing up to Managing Director except that in the Lodge you usually move up one place every year so that every member has the opportunity to become Master of the Lodge.
The current annual membership fee (2023) is £250.00 and is due at the beginning of January. Additional one-time costs will be detailed during the application process.
Why Join St Albans
We believe our members are living embodiments of the four pillars that underpin masonry in general, namely Friendship, Respect, Integrity and Service. One of the best rewards of Freemasonry is the friends you make across all ages, people who you’d never meet in any other way, because your paths simply wouldn’t cross. Freemasonry is a great boost to mental well-being. It also boosts self-confidence and self-worth, both of which can be of great benefit in professional life. Additionally, resources or time in service to others has been proven to have positive health benefits, like lowering blood pressure. Who knew?!
What you get out of Freemasonry is about how much you put in which is governed by other demands on your time from family, work and anything else you’re involved in.
As previously mentioned we enjoy our food so, if you’re interested in becoming a Mason and share the same general values mentioned above as well as enjoying good food, then come and join us.
Next Steps
For general enquiries about Freemasonry and/or joining St Albans Lodge, contact us using the details below:
John Broughton Mike Evans
Lodge Membership Officer Lodge Secretary
john@vixmonk.co.uk mgevans1@icloud.com
If you are looking to join a Masonic Lodge in the Grimsby / Cleethorpes area, then maybe you would like to consider the Smyth Lodge. (known as the Mighty Smyth Lodge)
We are a very friendly Lodge based at the Pelham Suite in Grimsby. The Smyth Lodge itself was formed (consecrated) in November 1888.
We meet at the Masonic Hall (The Pelham Suite) on Cambridge Road, Grimsby on the 2nd Wednesday in the months of September to April commencing normally at 6:30pm. We have a meal (Festive Board) after each meeting and the evening is usually concluded by approx. 10:30pm. The Lodge part of the evening is a formal event, then we break to go to the bar and then to the Festive Board, which are the social elements of the evening.
There are 8 different Lodges that meet at the Pelham Suite at different times during the year, and 5 Lodges that meet at the Cleethorpes centre. There is an excellent friendship between all Lodges and a lot of visiting of each other’s Lodge takes place during the year.
Charity is the key focus of Masonry and regular giving is key to what we do, but only what you can afford.
We welcome applications from men of all faiths, ethnicities and cultures who simply have a common belief in a supreme being and want to work and socialise as a group with other like-minded men.
Dress code is a dark suit, white shirt, dark tie and socks and black shoes. White gloves are also worn during our ceremonies in the Masonic temple. On our night of Installation which is once a year in November we wear Dinner Suites (Black Tie) as a special occasion as we install a new Master and his officers on that event.
At the present time (2025) the yearly membership subscription payable on the 1st of January is £260.00. There is also other one-off fee payable when you join, and this will be explained on application. This will now include the joining fee for Royal Arch whenever you decide to join it.
All new members are fundamentally expected to through their initiation and the second and third degree ceremonies. Then you are encouraged to think about your progress or what you would like to do in the Lodge, making sure it is what you want to do and would find enjoyable and interesting. Possibilities are progressing through the roles to become Master of the Lodge, doing some floor work, taking other roles such as treasurer or secretary. Also progressing to Royal Arch chapter to complete your Masonic journey. All of these will become a lot clearer as to what they are and what you might like to do as you attend.
One of the most important aspects for our members is the social events which we have. These include a Ladies or Partners Night, which can be either formal or informal, and other casual ‘get togethers’ throughout the year.
Smyth Lodge also has social get togethers, approximately monthly, for any member that wishes to attend. Basically this is where we solve World problems & sometimes talk about Masonry. Mostly this is for a drink but occasionally it involves a meal.
Also we are famous for our “Smyth Lodge on Tour” where various Masons visit other Lodges, either supporting the existing W. Master, the Rough Ashlar group or just a visit to a Lodge that is of interest to various people. All of these are totally optional with no pressure to attend, but are great fun plus develop your Masonic knowledge as well.
If you think Freemasonry might be something you would like and would consider joining the Smyth Lodge then ring or email on either of the below numbers to learn more about how to join us.
David Brason. Barry Kendall
Membership Officer. Secretary
07852 900151 07941679476
david@tayloraitken.co.uk smythlodgesecretary2284@gmail.com
• Meets at Grimsby Masonic Hall (Pelham Suite)
• 3rd Thursday of the month, September to April
• Evening meetings – 6:30pm usual start
• Welcoming
• Supportive
• Disciplined but friendly
• Active within the community
• Social activities (including partners)
• All men above the age of 18 represented
• Opportunities to meet likeminded people
• Guidance and support for new members
• Multi-faith
• Charity
• Mutual respect and affection
• Stewardship
• Fellowship
• Peace of mind
• Integrity
• Kindness
• Honesty
• Fairness
• Tolerance
• Sense of fulfilment
• Pride in masonry and our lodge
• Non-discriminatory
• Continuously improving
• Helping to build trust
• Social bonding
• Building confidence
• Founded in 1899
• Lodge centenary 1999
• Centenary warrant to commemorate 100 years continuous service
• Hall Stone Jewel lodge
• Members of note, including Past Provincial Grand Masters
• Many family connections over past generations
• Regular attendance
• Participation
• Progression within the lodge
• Keen to engage socially
• Respect for brethren and masonry in general
• Keen to promote charitable donations within the lodge and masonry in general. Charity forms a major part of masonry. All donations are members’ own voluntary contributions
• Likeminded individuals
• Law abiding candidates
• Any age (18+)
• All professions and trades represented
• Members enjoy a wide range of interests and activities, including:
o Golf
o Fishing
o Football
o Walking
o Rugby
o Motorsports
Our warrant was issued on the 8th of February 1918, so as a Lodge we are over 100 years old and are proud to be built from the foundations of a strong local military history. We enjoy a membership of varied ages, ranging from 18 years of age to members in their 90’s, meaning we have a plethora of interesting people to meet and become friends with. At Astral Lodge we pride ourselves on being Lincolnshire’s happiest and friendliest Lodge, maybe this is because we meet on a Friday night.
Our meetings are held at the Grimsby Masonic Hall, Cambridge Road, Grimsby, and we meet on the third Friday (September to April inclusive), our meetings normally start at 6.30pm.
Each evening is split into two halves, the first half is taken up with Lodge business and ceremonies whilst the second half is the social side with drinks and a meal, when there is an opportunity to meet other Lodge members and their visitor friends from other Lodges, our evenings normally end at about 10.30pm.
Being a member of Astral Lodge, you will be able to enjoy our various social events from Ladies Nights to BBQ’s, trips, Christmas Dinners, and Dining nights, where we can meet up with family and friends.
We are proud to have people joining us from all walks of life, of all ages, religions, race, or position in society. Astral Lodge is a respected and a very happy and social lodge whose members support and care for each other and for their families alike.
The advantages of Astral Lodge:
• Happy.
• Welcoming.
• Supportive.
• Active within the community.
• Social activities (including partners).
• Disciplined but very friendly.
• Men aged 18 years to 90+ represented.
• Membership professions range from Engineers, Civil Servants, Hospitality, Retirees, and we are very proud to boast many military veterans within our ranks.
• Opportunities to meet people.
• Guidance and support for new members.
• We meet on a Friday evening (3rd Friday of September to April inclusive).
Expectations for all members:
• Regular attendance (within your family and work constraints).
• Participation within the Lodge.
• Keen to engage socially.
• Keen to promote charitable donations within the Lodge and masonry in general.
• Respect for brethren and masonry in general.
• Members are expected to wear a dark suit, white shirt, black or Craft tie and black shoes at all meetings.
Astral Lodge Values & characteristics:
• Multi-faith.
• Charity.
• Kindness.
• Mutual respect and affection.
• Stewardship.
• Fellowship.
• Integrity.
• Honesty.
• Fairness.
• Tolerance.
• Sense of fulfilment.
• Pride in masonry and our lodge.
• Non-discriminatory.
• Continuously improving.
• Helping to build trust.
• Building confidence.
If you think Freemasonry, and in particular membership of the Astral Lodge is for you then I would be delighted to hear from you, give me a call or drop me an email to learn more about how to join us.
Nigel Hollington
Astral Lodge No 3841 Membership Officer.
Email: nhollington@yahoo.co.uk
Mob: 07971 843390
If you are looking to join a Masonic Lodge where you are certain of a warm and friendly welcome, then the Lord Heneage Lodge could be the one for you.
We are a small, friendly Lodge with charitable giving at our heart. Our membership is made up of men whose ages range from early twenties to over eighty years, and are from a wide variety of professions and vocations. Our members interests are many and include walking, cycling, golf, bird watching and shooting. Some of these are used to raise money for the charities we support.
We welcome applications from men of all faiths, ethnicities and cultures who simply have a common belief in a supreme being and want to work and socialise as a team with other like minded men. Religion and Politics are not discussed at lodge meetings and our focus is on the harmony of the Lodge and enjoyment by its members and visitors.
The Lord Heneage Lodge was formed (consecrated) on 31st October 1944 and was named after the Rt. Hon. Lord George Heneage O.B.E., who became the first Worshipful Master of the Lodge and was at the same time the Provincial Grand Master for the Masonic Province of Lincolnshire.
Although this was one of the darkest periods in British history, Freemasonry in Grimsby was growing, clearly highlighting that Freemasonry continued to be able to do its valuable work in the local and wider community. We are proud that we still maintain that achievement today.
We meet at the Masonic Hall (Pelham Suite) on Cambridge Road, Grimsby on the fourth Friday in the months of September to April commencing at 6:30pm. We have a meal after each meeting and the evening is usually concluded by 10:30pm.
Dress code is a dark suit, white shirt, dark tie and socks and black shoes. White gloves are also worn during our ceremonies in the Masonic temple.
At the present time the yearly membership subscription payable on the 1st of January is £190.00. There are also other one off fees payable when you join, and these are explained on application.
All new members are encouraged to progress through the various Offices of the Lodge with the goal of becoming the Worshipful Master, a position held for one year.
One of the most important aspects for our members is the social events which we have. These include a Ladies or Partners Night, which can be either formal or informal, and other casual ‘get togethers’ throughout the year.
If you think Freemasonry, and in particular membership of the Lord Heneage Lodge is for you then give me a call on either of the below numbers to learn more about how to join us.
Andy Downes.
Membership Officer.
01472 319257
07977 208378
If you are looking to become involved in Freemasonry in the Grimsby area, the Saint James Lodge formed in 1956 offers you the chance to join a diverse and friendly group of Brothers who meet on the third Tuesday of each month January to May and September to November, with our meetings starting 6:30 pm.
We strive to make the evenings all about enjoying ourselves without forgetting the traditions that have shaped our lodge. The dress code for our lodge meetings is Dinner suit, black bow tie, black socks and shoes with white gloves being worn for our ceremonies.
We welcome all men over the age of 18 from every background, ethnicity and faith to join members from diverse career backgrounds including Humber Bank Industry, Law, Teaching, Policing, Fire Service, Health and Safety, Finance, Military Veterans and many more. We encourage and support all members to progress through the various offices within the Lodge with the aim of becoming our Worshipful Master.
Our Lodge fees are currently £245 per year plus an initial one off joining fee of £130. Within the Lodge we have a strong charitable ethos and strive to make good men better.
The Saint James Lodge organises several social functions during the year including Golf Days, Themed evenings and Christmas events which we enjoy with our wives, partners and family.
At the Saint James Lodge we look forward to offering you a warm welcome and you becoming part of our extended family.
If you would like to discuss beginning your journey as a mason and becoming a member of The Saint James Lodge then contact Paul Hewitt, membership officer on 07767242634.
Wellow Abbey Lodge No. 8819 Warranted on 14th December 1977 and consecrated on 31st March 1978. The Lodge members have a variety of occupations and interests. It has a relaxed and happy atmosphere both in the Lodge room and at the evening meal known within Freemasonry as the Festive Board.
Our meetings are held on the second Monday of the month from October to May at the Grimsby Masonic Hall, The Pelham Suite, a purpose built facility with disabled facilities which cater for all. The meetings are completed in around ninety minutes which allows members and guests to socialise in the comfortable bar area before sitting down to the Festive Board. The friendly and enjoyable atmosphere of Wellow Abbey Lodge ensures that at the end of the evening all retire feeling fully satisfied by the warm atmosphere of fraternal friendship.
Charity is at the heart of all we do, this includes supporting local organisations, for example Woman’s Aid North East Lincolnshire, Ark Rescue Centre as well as National & International causes via The Masonic Charitable Foundation.
For more information or an informal chat about becoming a member of Wellow Abbey Lodge please contact the Lodge Membership Officer via email LMOWellowAbbey8819@gmail.com
If you are interested in enhancing your Masonic knowledge or just want to find out more please contact;
As a Freemason of high calibre, you are cordially invited to join Astral Chapter 3841, a Royal Arch Chapter located in Grimsby. This Chapter is not just about rituals, it’s a Brotherhood that offers a unique camaraderie.
Here, you’ll find a welcoming environment that encourages personal growth and mutual support. By joining us, you’ll have the opportunity to deepen your understanding of the Royal Arch, enhancing your Masonic journey. We look forward to welcoming you into our close-knit community, where every member contributes to our collective wisdom and fraternity.
We meet four times a year at the Pelham Suite, Cambridge Road, on the second Thursday of September, December, February and April.
To find out more, please contact David Stapleton at: scribeastralchapter@gmail.com
The Royal Arch is the next step following the third degree and is the natural progression following the questions raised in the former and completing the Masonic journey.
Meetings of the Royal Arch are held in what are known as Chapters and are very different in form and character from Craft Lodges developing the Masonic story to a completely new level.
The Wellow Abbey Chapter is the youngest Chapter in Northern Lincolnshire and one of the youngest in the whole Province.
Consecrated in 1983 it was formed, predominately, out of the Saint James Lodge by members wishing to come into the Royal Arch but who were frustrated by delays caused, at that time, by the numbers of Grimsby Masons wishing to be exalted into the order.
The new Chapter couldn’t use the Saint James name as there was already a Chapter of that name in the Province, in Louth, and so the founding members approached the Wellow Abbey Lodge, who themselves were quite new, who agreed to the new Chapter using the name.
Over the years the Chapter has attracted new members from, as would be expected the Saint James and Wellow Abbey Lodges but also from many other local and out of town Lodges. Although Master Masons often join Chapters using the same name as their mother Lodge there is nothing preventing one from joining any Chapter in the Province or even in the whole of the United Grand Lodge of England constitution.
Wellow Abbey being one of the younger Chapters encourages newer members to participate in the ceremonies and be involved wherever possible so that a feeling of comradeship and enjoyment is always to the fore.
The festive boards have a unique, relaxed and happy atmosphere which leads to every meeting being an enjoyable occasion.
Even the dates of the meeting have a different feeling, meeting at the Masonic Hall, Cambridge Road in Grimsby, they are on the 4th Monday in January (Installation) and the 4th Thursdays in April, May and June meaning that after the last convocation we often go home in daylight.
If you are interested in joining this vibrant and fun Chapter please contact Trevor Knight on twek10@hotmail.com.
Masonic Hall
Banks Street
Olive Union Lodge No. 1304
First Thursday, September to May inclusive. Installation October.
Bolingbroke Castle Lodge No. 8173
Third Thursday, September to May inclusive. Installation May.
Round Table Lodge No. 8240
Third Tuesday, September, April, May, June, fourth Tuesday October and November. Installation September.
Lincolnshire Bicentenary Lodge of Installed Masters No. 9467
Last Monday in June, second Monday in November or elsewhere by dispensation. Installation November.
Rudyard Kipling Lodge No. 9681
Second Saturday, January, March, May, July, September, Fourth Saturday November. Installation November.
Lincolnshire Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge No. 9726
Second Thursday in June, fourth Wednesday in September. Installation September.
Sir Joseph Banks Daylight Lodge No. 9828
Second Wednesday in February, April and October. First Wednesday in December. Installation October.
Freewheelers Lodge No. 9991
A Peripatetic Lodge for motorcyclist enthusiasts, meeting five times a year at centres around the Province. Installation May.
Banovallum Royal Arch Chapter No. 1304
Third tuesday October (I), November, January, and March.
Round Table Chapter No. 8240
Second Tuesday October, first Tuesday March, and May (I).
Geoffrey Cooper Chapter of Installed First Principals No. 9467
First Friday March (I), second Friday September.
Olive Union Lodge No 1304 is the oldest Masonic Lodge in Horncastle and one of the oldest in Lincolnshire having been Warranted 1869. The Lodge had met nine times every year without break since 1869; until the pandemic which caused Freemasonry to be suspended in March 2020. Olive Union Lodge meets on the first Thursday of the month between September and May at The Masonic Hall, Banks Street, Horncastle.
Our many generations of members range in age from their 20’s to their 90’s and come from diverse backgrounds and occupations. Many members work, or have worked, in agriculture, building trades, the law, manufacturing, teaching, the armed services, medicine, catering and local businesses to mention just a few occupations. The majority of members are from Horncastle, Woodhall Spa and the surrounding villages, although some travel from other Lincolnshire towns.
During Lodge meetings the traditions of Freemasonry are maintained in a friendly and relaxed manner. The meetings conclude with the members and their Masonic guests enjoying a drink together at the bar followed by a meal freshly prepared in the Masonic Hall kitchen.
Charity lies at the heart of Freemasonry and Olive Union Lodge has a proud record in supporting many local organisations as well as national charities. In the local area grants have been given to schools to fund extracurricular activities, the Horncastle food bank, the Jubilee Park in Woodhall Spa, as well as supporting Horncastle Town Council’s memorial events, the Scouts, and many other organisations.
Numerous social events held at The Masonic Hall and at local hotels are supported and sponsored by Olive Union Lodge and family and friends are always warmly welcomed.
For more details, please contact
Gary Hurst
Membership Officer
Email address; oliveunion1304@outlook.com
Based at the Horncastle Masonic Centre in the heart of the Province of Lincolnshire.
We are a welcoming, laid-back, and joyful Lodge established on 28th October 1967. Our meetings take place every third Thursday of the month, nine times a year, with a summer break in June, July, and August.
The establishment of our Lodge originated from Olive Union Lodge members seeking a more modern approach and later start time (7pm), as traditional Lodge meetings tended to be overly lengthy. As a result, our Lodge has prioritized the efficient expediting of our meetings to prevent late-night finishes – around 10pm after having a relaxing drink and delicious home cooked meal.
Once, the Lodge was known for having numerous fathers and sons among its members. However, the current composition reflects a diverse range of ages, fostering active participation from individuals across various walks of life. The increasing number of younger members has contributed to the vibrancy and diversity of the Lodge, with many sharing common interests in areas such as sports, music, theatre, and travel.
This caters to prospective brethren who might have demanding work and family obligations but still wish to participate in a traditional craft Lodge, and raise funds, supporting many nominated local non-masonic charities.
Apart from the usual Masonic responsibilities, our members partake in a lively and pleasurable social calendar. This includes an annual Ladies Night, White Table Evenings where friends and family are encouraged to join, and a continuous series of social events throughout the year.
If you would like to know more, please feel free to contact our Secretary for an informal, friendly chat to see if Masonry is for you!
Contact Adam Reavill, Lodge Secretary. bolingbroke8173@gmail.com or M. 07742 100110
Members of Round Table Lodge are current or past members of Round Table or are “like-minded men”. If you have been a Tabler, you know how hard it is to define a like-minded man but here are some pointers. None are individually essential but will give you an idea:
Not everyone joining Round Table Lodge has been a Tabler but most have been in a similar organisation, volunteered in a sphere with objectives akin to Round Table or been involved with event and charity organisation. Some have had a job where these characteristics are the norm. We have a number of ex-military members, people associated with the building industry, food/farming, finance and the law.
In the late 1960’s there was a small group of Round Tablers in northern Lincolnshire and another around Spalding who were already freemasons. Both wanted to make a Lodge with all the good spirited camaraderie of Round Table and the ethos of freemasonry. Neither group was large enough to form a Lodge so they decided to join forces on neutral ground in the centre of the County at Horncastle. The Lodge was formed in 1968 and has been a thriving part of the Province ever since.
Round Table Lodge meets formally just 6 times a year but have 3 ‘boys lodges’ to practice and learn more about our ceremonies. In most years we have an annual ball and a Sunday lunch with our wives and girlfriends. Every other year, we join up with Round Table Lodges from around England for a weekend to meet friends and families from around the country. Our membership is spread across the County but we still manage to get together from time to time, usually over a pint, going for a walk and/or having a pub lunch.
For further information contact John Elliott 07340 841015 john.lapwater@gmail.com
Free Wheelers Lodge (fwlodge.org)
The FreeWheelers Motorcycle Lodge No. 9991 was Consecrated in September 2021, our members are motorcycle enthusiasts and we recruit our members from the entire Province of Lincolnshire. The Lodge was created by group of Freemasons that met as a Masonic Motorcycle Club who enjoyed any opportunity to get out on their bikes but also enjoyed visiting Freemasons lodges in the UK and Europe.
The focus of the Club was to ride and have fun and this ethos has transferred across into the Lodge. The members, ranged in age from 27 to 78 meet four times a year on the second Saturday of May, June, September and October. The Lodge is a ‘Special Interest’ Lodge and is also peripatetic meaning that the meetings are held in different Centres throughout Lincolnshire, one meeting each year is held out of Province offering an opportunity for a longer ride and an extended social gathering as we often take our partners, wives or girlfriends and stay overnight.
Our Lodge meetings value and practise the traditions of Freemasonry in a friendly and relaxed manner, our dress code, although smart and respectful allows us to wear motorcycle clothing which encourages our members and visitors to attend on their motorcycles. Our meetings start at 11am allowing time for an enjoyable ride to the chosen Centre and the meetings are always followed by a Festive Board where we enjoy a good meal, often without alcohol as we then try to arrange a ride out on the bikes before returning home to our families.
Friendship, Respect, Integrity and Service were embedded in the creation of this new, vibrant Freemasons Lodge, with a very large helping of fun.
If you ride a motorcycle, if you once rode a motorcycle or if you have an interest in motorcycling and would like to know more about becoming a Freemason and joining our lodge, please contact:
Chris Jones, Lodge Membership Officer. Email. cjones@fwlodge.org . 07979 778176 or,
Chris Fletcher, Lodge Secretary. Email. secretary@fwlodge.org T. 07970 180960
The Round Table Chapter of Lincolnshire was founded as the Companion organisation of Round Table Lodge and retains close links to our ‘home’ Craft Lodge even though around half of our active Companions come from other Lodges. Originally, our membership was drawn almost exclusively from current and former Round Tablers though we now have a diverse membership of Tablers and ‘like-minded men”. We retain the good spirited camaraderie of Round Table while adopting the ethos and companionship of Royal Arch Masonry and welcome all Craft Masons for whom fellowship is a pleasure and enjoyment is a goal.
Although we are based in Horncastle at the centre of Lincolnshire, our membership is drawn from every corner of the County with many members liking the opportunity of completing their journey in pure and ancient freemasonry in a different Centre to their Mother Lodge.
Round Table Chapter meets formally just 3 times a year though we have one or two informal meetings during the year to discuss and learn more about the intriguing and thought-provoking ceremony that is Royal Arch Masonry. We have an annual Sunday lunch with our wives and girlfriends.
For further information contact John Elliott 07340 841015 john.lapwater@gmail.com
116 Nettleham Road
Witham Lodge No. 297
Second Monday, October to June inclusive. Installation February.
St Hugh Lodge No. 1386
– The Universities Scheme Lodge within Lincolnshire.Third Wednesday, October to December and February to May inclusive. Installation March.
Contact the Lodge Secretary
Ermine Lodge No. 2351
Last Tuesday, October, November, January, February and April. Installation October.
Excalibur Lodge No. 2959
Third Saturday, September to April inclusive. Installation October.
Paulinus Lodge No. 3957
First Wednesday, Sep to May inclusive except Jan when held second Wednesday. Installation October.
Ashlar Lodge No. 5219
Fourth Thursday, Sep to May inclusive except December. Installation February.
Lindum Lodge No. 5777
Second Tuesday, October to May inclusive. Installation February.
Minster Lodge No. 8702
Third Thursday, Sep, Nov, Jan, Feb, March and May. Installation March.
Chapter of Concord No. 297
First Tuesday October, December (I), February, and April.
Hugh of Avalon Royal Arch Chapter No. 1386
Fourth Wednesday October (I), November, January, March, and May.
Ermine Royal Arch Chapter No. 2351
Third Tuesday October (I), November, January, February, and April.
Witham Lodge is the oldest Freemasons Lodge in the County of Lincolnshire, although we were consecrated (established) in 1793, we can trace our lineage back to 1730 and the ceremonies we perform go back even further with links to the York Rite.
Our banner can be broken down into four parts. Top Left depicts the coat of Arms for the City of Lincoln, that being the cross of St George, with the fleur de lys in the centre. Top right is The Square and Compasses (or, more correctly, a square and a set of compasses joined together) the single most identifiable symbol of Freemasonry. Both the square and compasses are architect’s tools and are used in Masonic ritual as emblems to teach symbolic lessons. The next part of the banner is the five pointed star which alludes to the five points of fellowship. The bottom section depicts a Lincoln scene which is the River Witham, and an Alder tree surrounded by a red haze with Lincoln Cathedral in the background.
Our members are both young and older, and from all walks of life, from serving and former military personnel, self-employed, emergency services, salesmen, plumbers, window cleaners, and businessmen to mention but a few. With all of us having a wide and diversified range of hobbies you will always find someone to talk to with common interests such as vintage vehicles, sports, history, poetry, fishing, shooting etc.
We meet seven times a year on the second Monday of each month, from February to May, and then again after the summer break, from October to December with the possibility of additional meetings in June and September. After the meeting we have a festive board (a sit down meal) where all members and guests of the lodge can sit down, drink and chat socially.
Along with the normal lodge meetings we have a social committee that organise events throughout the year for ourselves along with our family and friends (who we encourage to be involved) such as family BBQ’s, meals out, quizzes to just a social drink. We also have a Ladies Night once a year in November which is a black tie event for you and your partner.
For more information contact:
Richard Quirk
Witham Lodge Membership Officer
Email: membership@witham297.org.uk
Welcome to St Hugh Lodge 1386 based in Lincoln. Consecrated (or Founded) in 1872 we are named after St Hugh of Avalon a prominent 12th century Bishop of Lincoln who dedicated his life to serving the poor of his diocese and to building Lincoln Cathedral. As a Lodge we are extremely honoured to be associated with such a great man.
St Hugh Lodge 1386 meets on the 3rd Wednesday of every month October to May (excluding January). We pride ourselves on our unique traditional ceremonies and are widely known across the province of Lincolnshire for our multiple ceremonies.
Our modern outlook and traditional background was the perfect platform which led us to be chosen to become the county’s University Lodge Scheme lodge which we are known to be at the forefront of and recognised across England for our achievements thanks to our hard working and forward thinking brethren. This in turn enriches our lodge further with a fantastically wide age range (18-80+) and great diversity in the backgrounds of our members.
So if you’re interested in joining a friendly inclusive Lodge that prides itself on its heritage and traditions but is also forward thinking and looks to the future then get in touch with us. We would be delighted to hear from you! Whatever your preferred communication style is, Give our membership officer a call on the number below or click on one of our various handles.
Membership officer: Eelco Bouwer (+44) 07507 893737
Email: lmo.sthugh1386@gmail.com
Twitter: @StHugh1386
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StHugh1386
Ermine Lodge was issued with its warrant on 21st. January 1890. It was formed to accommodate the gentlemen of the county and men of professional calling and in its early years included those who dominated its business and social life including such illustrious members as a number of Lords, an Earl and a former Lord Bishop of Lincoln and several Provincial Grand Masters.
The Lodge began life in the Assembly Rooms in Bailgate, Lincoln, which was at the side of the old Roman Road known as Hermin or Ermine Street. Hence the name of our Lodge.
Today, there is no such requirement for meeting the aforementioned criteria of this very friendly and inclusive Lodge other than members should be men of good character with a belief in a supreme being.
Membership of Ermine Lodge today is from many walks of life and include brethren from the legal profession, restaurant trade, hairdressing, accountancy, caring profession, entertainment and law. We are also a Lodge of golfers who are keen to organise inter Lodge competitions. We have musical brethren and include members of the fire service brass band who regularly entertain at Lodge festive boards and Ladies nights and have a well-known local and international comedian who entertains at inter Lodge social occasions.
Ermine Lodge meets at the Masonic Hall in Nettleham Road at 6pm on the last Tuesday in October (installation night), November, January, February and April. We also hold an annual Ladies night. We hold a Zoom quiz night for members which is well attended. Meetings usually last between one and two hours after which there is a dinner or festive board of three courses and coffee where brethren get to know each other in a convivial and socially relaxed atmosphere and we can always expect a fair number of visiting members of other Lodges to attend as our guests.
Masonry of course has a firm history of ritualistic learning meant to increase the knowledge and self-worth of its members. It also has a strong commitment to charitable giving to Masonic and non-Masonic causes for which Ermine Lodge is justifiably proud.
For more details please contact:
John Bottomley.
Ermine Lodge Membership Officer.
Email: jmb203@ymail.com
Tel: 01522 415215
“Excalibur” Lodge, named after the celebrated sword of King Arthur, and immortalised by Alfred Lord Tennyson in the Idylls of the King, was chosen by the Lodge founders for three reasons.
Firstly – As a mark of respect to Alfred Lord Tennyson, thus showing an appreciation of the spirit of his work.
Secondly – As a commemoration of the relief of the City of Lincoln, by King Arthur, when besieged by the Saxons under Cedric in the year 520 A.D.
Thirdly – As an ideal. By regarding that magical sword in the hands of the great King, the hilt and scabbard sparkling with jewels of purity and virtue, the cross guards fashioned into serpents, ancient emblems of wisdom, the blade, keen to destroy evil, succour the distressed and to defend the brotherhood. Finally returning radiant with light to the waters whence it sprang, as a noble symbol of the intellectual purpose of life.
The seal of the Lodge shows the scene of the return of Excalibur to the Lady of the Lake, framed in a design of a Celtic spiral ornament which is copied from the boss of a Celtic shield found in the River Witham near Washingborough, along with a sword of similar pattern, and a fine Viking sword, probably all being relics of the Saxo-British fight; this is charged upon the circle of the Sun and Moon and Blazing Star.
The motto “Vigilando Vinces“ in 5th century script, may be freely translated “By watchfulness thou shalt prevail”, and is derived from the last command of King Arthur to Sir Bedevire “Watch”.
Excalibur Lodge was formed from eighteen members of Witham Lodge No. 297, and one member of St Hugh Lodge No. 1386. The consecration ceremony took place on 5th May 1903, In the beginning, Excalibur Lodge was given the nickname of the ‘Farmers’ Lodge owing to the number of brethren living outside the City boundaries. Helped by a very convenient Great Eastern Railway service from Sleaford to Lincoln, which provided transport for many Freemasons from the villages along that line. Excalibur Lodge has evolved to include members from all walks of life.
A position Freemasonry still supports today. It is open to men from all backgrounds, faiths, ages and races, allowing them to meet as equals.
Excalibur Lodge meets 8 times a year on the 3rd Saturday of the month at 6:15pm from September to April inclusive, at the Lincoln Masonic Centre, 116, Nettleham Road, Lincoln. LN2 1RR.
The social side of Freemasonry is well supported by our members and quite apart from the eight Masonic meetings each year, Excalibur Lodge has a full social programme, to which partners and friends are invited. We hold a Burns Supper, a Ladies Night, Quiz nights, a Garden Party, a Ladies Dining in Night, Race nights and meals out. All of which are fun filled and enjoyable occasions, which help us to raise monies to support our chosen charities.
For more information contact:
W. Bro. Dave Wicks.
Excalibur Lodge Membership Officer.
Tel 07847 461089 or 01777 870455
Paulinus Lodge was Consecrated on the 29th May 1919, having been formed from St Hugh Lodge.
Paulinus was a young Roman Monk and sent by Pope Gregory the Great to help St Augustine in his conversion of the people of Britain. He became the Bishop of York whose diocese included then, Lincoln.
Paulinus died on 10th October 644 and therefore that date is now designated St Paulinus day.
Paulinus Lodge is a popular Lodge where you will always receive a warm welcome, we are known for the friendly reception that our guests receive. We welcome regular visitors from Lodges in Lincoln and other Lodges throughout the country and abroad.
We are proud to share a home of our own in Lincoln with other Lodges and Orders. Paulinus Lodge meets 9 times a year on the 1st Wednesday of the month at 6:30pm (Excepting January when it is the second Wednesday). Meeting in September, October, November, December, January, February, March, April and May. we then break for a summer recess. After the lodge meeting, which takes approximately 2 hours, we get together for an evening meal in a semi formal but relaxed setting and enjoy the company of our friends with the obvious social enjoyment.
We are a body of men banded together for the purpose of mutual moral and social support, we endeavour to cultivate and exhibit charitable support in many areas.
We recognise that a Freemasons duty is first and foremost to his own family, to help their families understand who we are and to enjoy each others company.
We hold many social functions where many lasting family friendships have been made.
If you find you would be interested in joining Paulinus Lodge, Please call or email
Chuck Boulton
Paulinus Lodge Membership Officer
Email: cebpaulinus@btinternet.com
Mob: 07941290431
Ashlar Lodge Warrant dated 6th February 1930 and was consecrated on the 26th February 1931
The seal of the Ashlar Lodge shows a stonemason working on a “Rough Ashlar “ or stone that has been squared but has a rough surface which has not yet been polished.
The Ashlar Lodge was consecrated by the Earl of Yarborough who was the Provincial Grand Master for Lincolnshire at the time.
Since its conception six of its members have been Sheriffs of the City of Lincoln and a Member of Parliament.
The Ashlar Lodge continues to flourish today, attracting a large number of younger members from all walks of life including the pool of serving and ex-service personnel Lincolnshire is known for.
Ashlar Lodge not only hosts enjoyable and well attended Lodge meetings, but is also widely known for its vibrant and very active social calendar.
Our wide range of social activities are open to all members along with their family and friends. They include meals out, curry nights, trips to sporting events including rugby and motor racing events, summer garden parties & BBQ’s, museums and other attractions.
Our annual Ladies Night is always a very popular event allowing us to get our “glad rags” on, or for those seeking a less formal gathering our regular visits to the Bail Gate area for a quiet chat and a pint!
more and more younger people are joining this is due to the active social calendar that the Lodge has and the enjoyable Lodge meetings combined with a happy festive board (the meal after the Lodge meeting).
Many of the visitors coming from other lodges return as they find Ashlar Lodge so friendly.
Ashlar Lodge meets 8 times a year on the 4th Thursday of the month September to November and January to May inclusive.
As a modern forward thinking Lodge, Ashlar Lodge utilises social media to maintain links with it’s members ensuring everyone is involved and engaged. This allows members to feel they are an integral part of the fraternity irrespective of their length of membership.
The Lodge is committed to supporting the Province of Lincolnshire and Grand Lodge of England in moving forward with Freemasonry in the 21st century.
For more information contact:
W. Bro Richard Woodall
Ashlar Lodge Membership Officer
Email ashlar5219lmo@yahoo.com
Lindum Lodge, which was consecrated in February 1939, draws its members from a wide cross-section of society and age range. Lodge members have a variety of occupations and interests, ranging from the traditional professional occupations, Armed Forces & Emergency Services (serving & retired), employed, self-employed and some students. This varied membership truly makes for a happy and interesting Lodge.
Over 80 years, Lindum Lodge has gained the enviable reputation of being a ‘happy and welcoming Lodge’, where sharing the company and friendship of like minded members of society is second only to that of improving the lives of the less fortunate in society, whilst having fun!
Our meetings are held in the early evening (usually starting at 6.15pm) on the second Tuesday of the months of January, February, March, April. October, November and December, at the Lincoln Masonic Centre, 116 Nettleham Road in Lincoln. A typical meeting usually lasts about 2 hours and is followed by a meal (or Festive Board as it is referred to) where members can enjoy each others company in a relaxed, semi-formal atmosphere.
At Lindum Lodge we also understand the importance of balancing Freemasonry with family life, therefore we hold a number of social events throughout the year, at which members’ families and friends are positively encouraged to attend. These range from our Ladies Night which is a formal black-tie event held in November, BBQ’s, Quiz nights, Xmas meals, Jazz nights, Wii Bowling etc., – again with the emphasis on having fun.
For more information contact:
Martin Huckle
Lindum Lodge Membership Officer
Tel: 07910 353192
Email: martinhuckle71@gmail.com
Minster Lodge was created in 1976 as part of the world wide community of Freemasons with the Founders wanting a modern Lodge with modern ideas and while some Lodges have their long histories and timeless peculiarities, Minster Lodge has kept it’s modern outlook and goes from strength to strength.
While some Lodges concentrate on specific interests, for instance there are Motor Cycle Lodges, Fishing Lodges, Musical Lodges etc. Minster Lodge prides itself on having members from across the board, if you want to talk fishing – great we have keen fishermen, motor cycling – great we have motor cyclists, cycling – great we have cyclists, we have car enthusiasts, we have clay pigeon shooters and whilst we take our Masonic duties very seriously, we take enjoying ourselves seriously too.
We normally meet at 6.15pm on the 3rd Thursday of September, November, January , February , March and May at the Lincoln Masonic Centre on Nettleham Road leaving the Summer and weekends free to enjoy whatever pastimes we want to. We also have very enjoyable BBQ’s, Ladies Nights and Christmas Socials where not only members but family and friends are also welcome.
As a modern forward thinking Lodge, Minster Lodge utilises social media to maintain links with its members ensuring everyone is involved and engaged. This allows all members to feel they are an integral part of our fraternity irrespective of length of membership.
For more information contact
Graham Cadel
Minster Lodge Membership Officer
Tel 07715 328350
Email g.cadel@ntlworld.com
The Chapter of Concord has existed in Lincoln since 1869, however its roots and original record books show it originally was formed in 1808 and met at the Kings Arms (now where the Theatre Yard stands). On the 1st September 1808 the first election of officers took place, at which the first rules or ‘bye-laws’ must have been approved, as it is recorded that the quarterly subscription should be set at 2/6d and that the meetings were to be held monthly – on Sundays!
This original Chapter predates the Union of the Ancients and Moderns in Grand lodge and so it has held four numbers over its years, originally being “unnumbered” then being the last chapter to be granted a Warrant by the Moderns in 1817 as Number 184, then the union renumbered them to 557, and further Grand Chapter “tidying of numbers” gave them 374 and finally 272. Sadly in 1861, due to failing numbers and a lack of returns, it was erased from the national roll, only to resurface 8 years later with many of the same members but under a new warrant.
Being so old the Chapter follows its own distinct ritual, so unique in many ways that you need to come and discover it to understand. We are also one of the few remaining Chapters to retain the practice of its Principals wearing special regalia and crowns, which further colours the already exciting sight revealed to a Candidate for Exaltation – This could be YOU!
The Chapter meets on the first Tuesday night in February, April, October and December and welcomes Exaltees and Joining members from all Lodges and Chapters, wherever sited.
We exhort you to seek us out and come and swell our numbers, or simply to visit anytime.”
Masonic Hall
Park Lane
PE12 9DH
Alexandra Lodge No. 985
First Wednesday, September to April inclusive. Installation October.
Saint Mary Lodge No. 7898
Third Monday, October to May inclusive. Installation May.
Fenland Daylight Lodge No. 9825
Third Wednesday, March, June, September and December. Installation March.
Edward Albert Royal Arch Chapter No. 985
Second Monday September, December (I), March, and May.
The Warrant for the foundation of Saint Mary Lodge was issued on 13th March 1963 with Saint Mary being the “daughter” of Alexandra Lodge, Long Sutton.
The lodge was founded due to the strength of Freemasonry in Long Sutton and the surrounding area, including Holbeach, Gedney and Sutton Bridge.
Named after Saint Mary’s church in Long Sutton, the proud possessor of the highest, oldest and best preserved lead spire in England, its picture features on the Lodge banner and on the Past Masters jewel presented to every Master as he leaves the Chair.
As a result of this wide catchment area, the members continue to come from all walks of life. This provides diverse and entertaining discussion, especially at the Festive Board which is held after every meeting. The recently refurbished kitchens allow for excellent dining to which our visitors will happily attest.
The Lodge meets at The Masonic Hall in Long Sutton, a purpose built building which is the source of immense pride to all members and provides a superb venue for a variety of social events for both members and non-members.
Saint Mary was the fiftieth Lodge to be consecrated in the Province of Lincolnshire, a number which allowed the Provincial Grand Master to appoint the first ever Assistant Provincial Grand Master in Lincolnshire.
Whilst we all acknowledge that our first duty is to our family, there is no doubt that Saint Mary men enjoy the fellowship and company of each other whilst contributing to the many aims, both charitable and otherwise, of the Province of Lincolnshire and the United Grand Lodge of England.
The older brethren endeavour to pass on to the junior brethren the traditions of the lodge of which they are justly proud. These traditions include “Saint Mary workings” at the ceremonies, all intended to differentiate Saint Mary from other lodges and also to catch out our visitors, including a Provincial Deputy Grand Master!
As it says on our Summons, “it is the duty of every Officer of the Lodge and the privilege of every member to attend…”
We meet on the third Monday of the month, October to May and hold our Lodge of Improvement and Instruction and the fourth Monday of the month, September to April (excluding December).
A warm welcome awaits new members and visitors alike.
Please contact David Pateman on 07736 088046 for further information.
The Masonic Centre
Bolingbroke Road
Fairfield Industrial Estate
LN11 0WA
Lindsey Lodge No. 712
Second Friday September to May inclusive. Installation January.
Hermes Lodge No. 6861
Third Monday, September to May inclusive. Installation October.
Daylight Lodge No. 9748
First Monday, February, July, November and the third Monday in May, (Installation).
St. James Royal Arch Chapter No. 712
Third Friday in October (I), November , February, and March.
The history of freemasonry and its association with the Lincolnshire town of Louth is long and varied.
If you look carefully at the stained-glass windows in St James church, you may be able to pick out various Masonic symbols. Hardly surprising when you consider that one of the earliest members of Lindsey Lodge was also the architect responsible for the restoration of this fine church
Lindsey Lodge was initially founded in 1857 and to begin with meetings were held in Louth public buildings in both Mercer row and Upgate.
By 1867 meetings had been moved to a new Lodge room in Rosemary Lane where meetings were held until 1963 when the Lodge moved to Queen Street in Louth.
In November 2018 the building in Queen Street was put up for sale and the Lodge has been meeting at Alford whilst building a new Masonic Centre on the Fairfield industrial estate.
Now that the new centre is completed, meetings can once again be held in Louth.
Initially Lodge meetings were held on the Friday following the Full Moon but in 1870 it was agreed to move to the Friday nearest the full moon.
Street lighting was nowhere near as extensive as it is nowadays, therefore holding meetings according to the Full moon was not at all unusual for Freemasons’ Lodges.
Nowadays we meet on the 2nd Friday of the month between September and May.
Currently our membership stands at around 58 members but as you would expect we are constantly looking to recruit new members to replace those who for one reason or another no longer attend.
We have members of all ages, backgrounds and occupations. Be it Shopkeepers or farmers, lorry drivers or sign writers, builders or teachers. You name it, Freemasonry has probably got one!!
If you join a Freemasons’ Lodge, you will make friendships that will last a life time, all the while knowing you are putting something worthwhile back into society.
Freemasonry is unfortunately and quite wrongly referred to as a “Secret Society” when more correctly it’s a society with secrets. Often our best kept secret is probably; “How do I join?”
Well, it’s no longer a secret, if you are interested in joining us, contact the Lindsey Lodge secretary by email mrcfrench@yahoo.com
We look forward to hearing from you.
You can find Hermes Lodge 6861 at the new Masonic Centre Bolingbroke Road Louth along with its Mother Lodge Lindsey 712, Hermes Lodge meets on the third Monday of the month from September to May inclusive. This new centre is on the industrial estate on the North side of the town the local incumbents are mostly commercial with no residents to disturb. There is adequate parking both at the centre and on the surrounding roads.
It’s been a long wait for the Masonic centre to open and Hermes has been lodging at the Alford Masonic Centre and we are eternally grateful for their hospitality.
Lindsey Lodge the only lodge in Louth in those times was getting too large to facilitate reasonable promotion through its ranks, so it was decided to form a new lodge and so Hermes was planned.
The Lodge was consecrated in May 1949 just four years after the end of the war. There were still a lot of servicemen mostly RAF who remained in Lincolnshire many of them setting down roots in Louth and the surrounding area.
Since those early days the membership has been a little more diverse, with Police Officers both serving and retired, members of the building trade and of course a sprinkling of Farmers and even the odd sailor.
The moto on the scroll under the lodge insignia is Custodia, Scientia, Benovelentia. And can be translated as such Custodia Safekeeping, Scientia Knowledge and Benovelentia Goodwill.
Masonically: The Safekeeping of morality, A thirst for Knowledge, Goodwill being the essence of a mason.
At this point in time the membership of Hermes Lodge numbers 52 subscribing members and 2 honorary members which puts it as a medium sized lodge, the average age of the Lodge is 64 and is well represented across the age groups.
The annual cost of membership is £156.00 with meals and wine extra.
Along with other masonic Lodges Charity is the Raison d être of Hermes Lodge and to that end several activities are held Lock-down permitting.
Events are held throughout the year with the aim to be raising money to support worthy causes, such as Curry Nights, Last Night of the Proms and we are looking forward to holding a summer fayre once the Masonic centre is completed.
Standards are maintained with a strict dress code of White Shirt Dark or Mourning Suit Black tie and Black Shoes. Members are encouraged to maintain those high standards outside as well as inside the Lodge, and to be an upstanding member of the community.
The Lodge opens at 6.30pm on the third Monday between the months of September to May except for the October meeting when the new Master is installed for that meeting the time will be advised.
You will find Hermes Lodge 6861 a very friendly place to visit and we enjoy meeting new faces where you will receive a warm welcome.
Freemasons who wish to visit contact the lodge secretary Geoff Tuckett hermes6861@gmail.com
For more information about Hermes Lodge 6861 or Freemasonry in general I would be more than happy to help.
Ken Rose
Hermes Lodge Membership Officer
The “Daylight” Lodge is one of the most recent Lodges in the Province of Lincolnshire. Founded and consecrated in 2001, it does what it says on the tin and meets during the day.
Not everyone is able to attend meetings in the evenings, so this Lodge was formed to accommodate those Freemasons who wished to meet on a Monday morning.
The Lodge meets in February, May, July, and November and is always keen to welcome existing Freemasons as well as new recruits.
If you are interested in joining us, please email the secretary terence.willis33@ntlworld.com
Masonic Hall
Jameson Bridge Street
Bayons Lodge No 1286
Monday, on or before the Full Moon October to June inclusive. Installation January.
No Royal Arch Chapter meets at Market Rasen.
Welcome to Bayons Lodge, we are the only Lodge established at Market Rasen and our membership is drawn from a large geographical footprint where our Masonic neighbours are at Brigg and Grimsby in the North, Louth to our East, Horncastle and Lincoln to our South and Gainsborough to our West.
Bayons Lodge was initially formed in 1834 though it folded in 1851. It was re-formed in 1869 as Lodge No. 1286 and has continued to prosper to this day, celebrating its 150th anniversary in 2019. The Lodge is very proud of its history and traditions and possesses a very unique Register chronicling the history of its early members. The Lodge was named after Bayons Manor, Tealby, the seat of the then Provincial Grand Master, the Rt. Hon Charles Tennyson D’Eyncourt, a member of the Lodge.
The Lodge meets nine times per year, it is one of two Lunar Lodges in the province where we meet on the Monday on or before the full moon from October to June each year, this tradition having been kept from the times pre-dating street lighting when Masons would travel to the meetings and would use the light of the moon to see their way.
We meet at the Masonic Hall in Market Rasen commencing at 6:30pm, the meetings usually last about 2 hours followed by a meal in a relaxed yet semi formal atmosphere with formal toasts and cheery responses.
Bayons is a happy and welcoming Lodge with a large membership of over 70 members all from a very wide range of backgrounds. There isn’t a typical member’s profile, like all Freemasons our members are adult men of good character with a religious belief in a supreme being, (no religion is barred). The organisation however is neither religious nor is it political, it is a fraternal charitable body and all like-minded applicants are welcome.
Masonry of course has a firm history of ritualistic learning meant to increase the knowledge and self-worth of its members. Charity is at the heart of what we do, this includes supporting local organisations, as well as National & International causes via The Masonic Charitable Foundation.
Although the Lodge is very proud of its traditions it is also forward thinking and utilises social media to maintain links with its members ensuring everyone is involved and engaged. This allows all members to feel they are an integral part of our fraternity irrespective of length of membership.
At Bayons Lodge we recognise that a Freemason’s duty is first and foremost to his own family. As well as our regular formal meetings we hold many social functions where lasting family friendships are often made.
If you would be interested in joining Bayons Lodge, please make contact via the Provincial Website; our Lodge Secretary, Mentor or Membership Officer* will be pleased to process your application.
The Bayons Lodge is committed to supporting the Province of Lincolnshire and the United Grand Lodge of England in moving forward with Freemasonry in the 21st Century.
W. Bro. N. A. Barnes.
Bayons Lodge Membership Officer. Tel: 07960986221
Masonic Hall
Normanby Road
DN15 6AJ
St Lawrence Lodge No. 2078
First Monday, October to June inclusive, except May first Tuesday. Installation May.
Industry Lodge No. 4662
Fourth Saturday, January to May inclusive and September to October inclusive, third Saturday December. Installation November.
Pharos Lodge No. 6450
Third Wednesday, October to June inclusive. Installation April.
Lodge of St John No. 7840
Last Tuesday, September to May inclusive except December. Installation October.
St. Lawrence Royal Arch Chapter No. 2078
Second Thursday October, December, February, and April (I).
Chapter of St. John No. 7840
Second Thursday in September, November, March, and May (I).
St Lawrence Lodge 2078 is a long established Masonic craft lodge having been consecrated in February 1885 .
Our Lodge meets each month on the first Monday except for the months of July to September inclusive.
Our meetings take place in a discreet building on Normanby Road, Scunthorpe shown on the map as The Masonic Hall.
This building has a special place in the history of the Lodge and in the hearts of our Brethren. In 1913 charged with finding permanent premises the St Lawrence brethren were offered a piece of land on Normanby Road and utilizing the combined skills of the members they built their own Lodge building which they have occupied for over 100 years.
In its early days the membership reflected the embryonic development of the iron and steel industry that has dominated the Scunthorpe economy since the beginning of the last century. The early brethren included iron makers, administrators and engineers and that tradition has continued through the years. Without forgetting that heritage the mix of our brethren now reflects the changing economic landscape of Scunthorpe now meeting with the common aim of practicing and developing our Masonic principles.
We are enjoying a younger and enthusiastic membership learning from them just as we encourage them to learn from us. We encourage personal contact between our members and active participation in our Masonic activities. We maintain social contact with our new members. The community and Masonic spirit we try to extol has never been more evidenced than the response of the Lodge particularly our younger brethren to the issues and problems that have arisen as a consequence of the current pandemic.
The spirit of our old (in years) Lodge but young in potential and heart evinces that 1913 commitment and endeavour by getting on with the job and serving our community.
Not only did England win the World Cup in 1966, but the year was also memorable for another historic milestone – the consecration of the Chapter of St John No. 7840. With its growing and enthusiastic membership, the Chapter of St John is Scunthorpe’s second, created almost 50 years after the first; St Lawrence Chapter, which came into being in 1918.
To enquire about joining our Chapter, no matter where you do your Craft Freemasonry, please drop an email to Barrie Graham at barriejgraham@gmail.com. He’ll be pleased to hear from you, and all the members will look forward to welcoming you amongst our number.
Masonic Hall
Holly Road
PE25 3TE
Lumley Lodge No. 1893
Third Wednesday, October to May inclusive. Installation January.
St Clement Lodge No 4300
First Wednesday, October to May inclusive. Installation November.
Lumley Royal Arch Chapter No. 1893
Last Thursday October, November, January, February, and March (I).
Lumley Lodge No 1893 is some 140 years old; being Warranted on 15 February 1881 and the Consecration Ceremony being held at the Earl of Scarbrough’s Estate Offices, in Skegness, on Thursday 21st April 1881. The Lodge members have a variety of occupations and interests. It has a decidedly youthful approach to Masonry while maintaining the traditions of the Lodge and Freemasonry in general, with a happy, relaxed atmosphere both in the lodge room and at the evening meal afterwards.
Family and friends are invited to our many social events including our well attended Ladies Evening, held in November and our successful Christmas meeting.
Our meetings are held eight times a year from October to May on the third Wednesday of the month at 6.15pm. Our lodge is an up-to-date purpose-built lodge with disabled facilities which cater for all. The meetings are completed in around two hours which allows members and guests to socialise in the comfortable Bar area before sitting down to the evening meal (Festive Board) in the large and well-appointed dining room, the convivial atmosphere of Lumley Lodge ensures that all retire at the end of the evening feeling fully satisfied by the warm atmosphere of fraternal friendship.
As charity plays a large part in the tradition of Freemasonry, raffles are held, and donations collected at meetings and social events to be distributed to enhance the lives of the less fortunate.
‘There are no strangers in Freemasonry, only friends you’ve yet to meet’
For more information contact:
Tyler Noden
Lumley Lodge Membership Officer
Tel: 07835 831074
Email: tazter10@icloud.com
The St Clement Lodge No 4300 meets at the Skegness Masonic Centre on Holly Road, Skegness, at 6.15 pm every first Wednesday of each month from October through to May, commonly known as the “Masonic Season”.
The Masonic Centre is approximately six years old and was purpose built to house the Skegness Freemasons Lodges. It has disabled access and toilet facilities and is a single storey building. Its dedicated car park with reserved disabled spaces makes it accessible to all.
The St Clement Lodge is over one hundred years old having just recently received its Centenary Certificate from the United Grand Lodge Of England, acknowledging a century of Masonry attached to our Lodge.
The membership is largely made up of local members of a wide age, and background range. We have amongst our membership local businessmen, tradesmen, retired and current police officers and many more besides.
The members also have varied interests and pastimes outside of Masonry. These include a number of Golfers, Anglers, Motorcycle Riders and Cyclists. Opportunity to share these activities with other Masons is provided for by events organised by the Lincolnshire Provincial Grand Lodge, which all our members are able to participate in.
It can fairly be described as a traditional Lodge however things are underway to embrace some of the more modern features of Freemasonry including the use of social media and including spouses, partners and friends to participate in social activities linked to the Lodge. We now, more than ever, are willing to discuss our membership and what Freemasonry means to ourselves and others. Amongst other things this is in an effort to dispel some of the mystery and myths surrounding the whole of Freemasonry.
Traditions of Freemasonry in general and more specifically the St Clement Lodge are upheld in both the formal ceremonial side of our Lodge meetings as well as at the meal or “Festive Board” which follows, where the members all sit together and enjoy a great meal which is extremely good value for the relatively low cost. There is also the chance to relax and socialise in our purpose-built lounge bar area which opens from the completion of the formal ceremony in the Lodge room until the last members leave after our meal.
Charity and Charitable giving is a bedrock of Freemasonry and St Clement Lodge does everything it can to help provide relief and support to a wide range of charitable causes both locally and further afield.
We would be pleased to welcome new members from all backgrounds to our Lodge and will ensure they are provided with support and understanding as they join, then become more involved in our fraternity. We know it can be daunting at first, but members are allowed to progress in their Masonic career at their own pace and be as involved in the “business” of the Lodge as much as they feel comfortable doing.
For further information please contact Andy Wardell the Lodge Membership Officer on 07809428444 or andywardell@btinternet.com
Masonic Hall
NG34 7PG
St Botolph's Lodge No. 588
Second Thursday, September to May inclusive. Installation January.
Daedalus Lodge No. 3843
First Saturday, September to May excluding January. Installation October.
Shire Lodge No. 5610
Third Friday, September to April inclusive. Installation April.
St. Denys Lodge No. 9032
First Wednesday, Sep to Nov inclusive and Feb to June inclusive. Installation June.
Hope Royal Arch Chapter No. 588
First Thursday October, November (I), February, March, and April.
Shire Royal Arch Chapter No. 5610
First Thursday September, first Tuesday December, third Thursday February, and fourth Thursday in April (I).
St Botolph’s Lodge No 588 was founded in Boston and was named after the revered Benedictine Monk, St Botolph – Patron Saint of Travellers – who was granted land for a monastery on the site of Boston (Botolph’s Town).
In 1851 Boston already had a well-established and popular Lodge – the Lodge of Harmony. It is perhaps not surprising therefore, that soon after its formation, St Botolph’s Lodge seemed to get into difficulties with membership. An application was made to the Grand Master to transfer the Warrant of the Lodge to the Bristol Arms Hotel in Sleaford (now Bristol Arcade).
After the final meeting in Boston on 21 October 1856, the Lodge moved to Sleaford and membership steadily grew – often with several candidates being initiated on an evening. The Lodge was established as a ‘Town’ Lodge, welcoming new members whatever their background or profession.
This has continued throughout the years and the Lodge boasts an extremely healthy membership of all ages and professions; it is currently over 70 members. The Lodge meets at the Freemasons Hall Watergate Sleaford NG34 7PG , on the second Thursday of each month (with the exceptions of June, July and August) Apart from the January Installation meeting, regular meetings start at 6.30pm and are usually concluded by 10.00pm. Our meetings are well attended, efficient and conducted in a warm, friendly manner with a high standard of ritual. The members enjoy working together and we encourage all our members to take part in our meetings. We are committed to sharing out the work and supporting our new members in learning and development of Freemasonry. The Lodge has a well-established mentoring programme to assist members understand and enjoy their Freemasonry.
The Lodge provides the secretariat for the Goodwill Lodge of Instruction No 588 where members can increase their understanding of Freemasonry. After every meeting there is a meal or festive board which has a very convivial and lively atmosphere. The Lodge has an enviable reputation for its festive boards – especially at Christmas – and always welcomes lots of visitors from different Lodges. As Patron Saint of Travellers, St Botolph would approve of the way the Lodge looks after its visitors who travel long distances to attend its meetings. The Lodge is also committed to “family first” holding several social events during the year.
The Lodge, throughout its history has been committed to charity. Each year the Lodge supports local charities, as well as supporting both the Freemasons Charitable Foundation and the Province of Lincolnshire charitable projects. During the Covid-19 Pandemic the Lodge has supported meals for vulnerable people and the Scrubs for Scrubs campaign.
The Lodge is a thriving lodge with a wide age range. Its members hail from all walks of society Its cultural backgrounds diverse professions. The ideal candidate will enjoy life, have a sense of humour, and have charitable aspirations. He will be willing and able to attend the meetings of the Lodge and afford the membership fee and contribute to charitable giving if possible.
Prospective members should be 21 or over – there is a growing number of younger members joining the lodge. Members are expected to wear a dark suit, white shirt, black or Craft tie and black shoes at all meetings. Members consider the Lodge to be a valuable and enjoyable part of their leisure time.
If you would be interested in joining St. Botolph’s Lodge please contact our Membership Officer. Email: stbotolphs.membership@sleafordfreemasons.co.uk
Daedalus Lodge was consecrated, (established), on the 27th April, 1918, and was named after the ‘Daedalus’ Training Establishment at Cranwell firmly establishing its connection with the Royal Air Force College Cranwell.
Daedalus, supposedly became the first Airman, when he made wings of feather and wax for himself and his son Icarus, to escape imprisonment on Crete and fly to Sicily.
This was the first Lodge Consecration in Sleaford, taking place in the Sessions Hall by dispensation.
Worshipful Brother T. Kitwood, Deputy Provincial Grand Master read a letter from the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, Lord Yarborough, expressing his regret at not being able to perform the ceremony at that time and charging W.Bro T. Kitwood to perform the consecration in his stead.
Daedalus has celebrated three milestones; a 50th, 75th and more recently a centenary anniversary, alongside the RAF which was formed in April, 1918.
Not surprisingly, the majority of our members are serving or retired RAF personnel, although it was decided to open up membership to all service personnel and civilians, which has enhanced the character of the Lodge in many ways providing a warm, convivial welcome to new members and guests, who are always asked to return.
Our meetings are on the first Saturday of the month, September to May excluding January and are attended by many of the 50 plus membership who enjoy the Lodge meetings which are followed by a friendly Festive Board.
In addition, we have a White Table meeting where partners and non-masonic guests are invited to the Festive Board, and then in September we have a special ‘ Ladies Night’ which takes as its theme the Battle of Britain which celebrates our links with the RAF.
All in all, new members and visiting guests will find themselves in a Lodge that has a very ‘real’ history, a sense of community which looks to promote the very best of Brotherhood, Service and Charity in all men.
For more information, please contact:
Peter Daly, the Lodge Membership Officer on joekerrsforge@googlemail.com
Masonic Hall
21 Pinchbeck Road
PE11 1QD
Hundred of Elloe Lodge No 469
Second Thursday, September to May inclusive. Installation January.
St Godric Lodge No7517
First Monday, October to May inclusive. Installation November.
Welland Lodge No. 9556
Fourth Wednesday, Jan, Feb, April, October, the third Wednesday in May and the first Wednesday in December. Installation February.
Welland Royal Arch Chapter No. 469
Fourth Thursday in September, November, January, and March (I).
The Hundred of Elloe Lodge No 469 is the oldest Freemasons Lodge in Spalding. The Lodge was consecrated on the 20th March 1840, the first meeting being held over a grocery shop in London Road, Spalding. In 1881 the former British School on Pinchbeck Road was purchased and that is where the Lodge still meets today.
Hundred of Elloe is held nine times a year from September to May, on the second Thursday of each month. Meetings are held in the early evening followed by a festive board when Brethren enjoy an excellent meal and the convivial company of their fellow Freemasons.
To support our members in learning the ritual we have an active Lodge of Instruction, which is held on the first Thursday of every month from September to May. Here our experienced Freemasons support the newer members to learn the Craft and gain enjoyment in taking part.
Freemasonry is open to all men from the age of 18 regardless of their faith, ethnicity, and culture who believe in a supreme being and seek to become a better person. Brethren find in the Lodge an invaluable bond of friendship and fraternity, with moral guidance and support.
Being a Freemason is life changing. It will encourage you to think about the way you live your life, and to be the best you can be. It is about building character, supporting members as individuals, and making good men better.
The Hundred of Elloe Lodge is a vibrant, very welcoming Lodge with a wide membership base of all ages and professions. We embrace the charity side of Freemasonry and enjoy the fraternity instilled by our forebears.
If you would like to know more, please do get in touch with our membership officer –
Charles Thomas at membershipofficer469@gmail.com
St. Godric Lodge was consecrated on 3rd October 1957 due to the high popularity of Freemasonry in Spalding, which demanded a second Masonic Lodge. Since then, St. Godric has thrived due to our fun, relaxed atmosphere, our commitment to first-class ritual and vibrant Festive Board.
Godric of Finchale was an Anglo-Saxon man, born in Norfolk around 1065 A.D. He lived a life as a merchant, pilgrim, adventurous sailor and hymn-writer. Eventually he settled in Finchale, County Durham and lived as a hermit for the final 60 years of his life.
What made Godric special, aside from his wisdom and piety, was that his contemporaries described him as an excellent listener, a sympathetic man who cared dearly for the troubles of others, who was intensely kind to the world around him, and protected the forest that he inhabited.
St. Godric Lodge is steeped in these values; our members look out for one another and nurtures an environment of Masonic brotherhood that takes pride in the local community.
Our care in the local community comes in the form of financial aid to local charities; such as housing associations, specialist schools and community gardens; as well as voluntary work at the vaccination hubs during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Meetings are generally held on the first Monday of the month between October and May, at a time usually convenient for the working individual. These meetings normally include a ritual designed to provoke thought and self-reflection in a uniquely ‘masonic’ way. We also include updates on the wellbeing of our fellow brothers, our charitable impact and upcoming social events. Our Festive Board (or meal) follows each meeting as an opportunity to have some hearty food, speeches and gentle encouragement for further charitable fundraising.
Our Lodge Mentor is always on hand to help junior Brethren understand and integrate into Masonry, and our active Lodge of Instruction has always been a great way for those members to practice ritual and learn more about how and why we do things the way we do in a relaxed and casual environment.
Freemasonry is open to all men above 18 years old, with a belief in a Supreme Being (of any kind), a good moral code and a desire to be the best version of themselves. It is built on a foundation of brotherly love and support, relief from the pressures of modern life and truth in self-reflection; nurturing values in charity, being humble, self-enrichment and contentment in one’s self.
The St. Godric Lodge membership consists of a wide range of ages and professions, drawn into Masonry for a variety of reasons. Some are drawn by the history and mystery of the organisation, others by our community and charity work, and many enjoy making friends and widening their social circle.
If our Lodge sounds like it might be for you, feel free to email our Membership Officer, Richard Skells at Richardskells@gmail.com
Freemasonry is open to all men regardless of faith, ethnicity and culture who believe in a supreme being and seek to become a better person. Members find in a lodge and the wider fraternity friendship, moral guidance, and support. Having evolved from the guilds of stonemasons in the Middle Ages masonry has a long tradition which makes a pleasant change from the modern world.
Welland Lodge was consecrated on Saturday 29th October 1994 and is the youngest lodge in Spalding. However, between 1816 and 1838 a Lodge with the same name met in the Talbot Inn, Bridge Street, Spalding. When you look at our emblem you will see the Phoenix, and this represents our Lodge rising from the ashes of the original Welland Lodge.
At Welland Lodge we have a good mix of members of different ages and walks of life. We are unique in Lincolnshire in that we follow Taylor’s ritual which is more commonly found in London lodges. It is most noticeable by its unique floor work and its language. The ritual tells a story in a somewhat dramatic form and it is a pleasure to learn, perform and watch. At Welland we pride ourselves in being inclusive and encouraging any member who wants to take part in ceremonies to do so. Taking part, gives our members a sense of teamwork, enjoyment, and a sense of achievement. Plenty of support and encouragement is given by fellow members to everyone who steps forward to have a go. If you enjoy amateur dramatics or similar activities for pleasure then Freemasonry could be what you are looking for, and you will receive personal satisfaction and enjoyment for a pastime well done.
We have six meeting per year between October and May. (They are held on the 4th Wednesday in January, February, April and October, the 3rd Wednesday in May and the 1st Wednesday in December). Meetings are held in the evening and are followed by a good three course meal and good conversation. Charity is a key principle of Freemasonry, we support both local and national charities.
To support our members learn ritual we have an active Lodge of Instruction which is usually held on the first Wednesday of every month from October through to May. Here our experienced Masons support newer members to learn the craft and gain enjoyment out of taking part.
Welland Lodge is a friendly and welcoming lodge. Being small everyone gets to know everyone and there is plenty of opportunity to get involved.
If you would like to learn more, please get in touch with David Carter at carter257@btinternet.com
Masonic Hall
Halton Road
PE23 5JZ
Shakespeare Lodge No. 426
Friday, on or before Full Moon except June, July, August. Installation January.
Eccles Lodge No. 8632
Second Tuesday, October to May inclusive. Installation April.
Contact the Lodge Secretary
Shakespeare Royal Arch Chapter No. 426
Fourth Tuesday October, November, February (I), March, and April.
Shakespeare Lodge was formed in 1835 and is very proud of its traditions and history with Masons travelling from all over the County and even further afield to observe our unique ceremonies.
Part of our tradition is we are a Lunar Lodge meaning we meet on or before the full moon every month except June, July and August this goes back to the time when masons would travel on horseback to the meetings and would use the light of the moon to see their way.
We meet at the Masonic Hall in Spilsby on a Friday evening commencing at 6:30pm these meetings usually last about 2 hours followed by a meal in a relaxed semi formal atmosphere.
Shakespeare is a happy and welcoming Lodge with a membership from a very wide range of backgrounds. We are always looking to provide guidance and support for new members as well as pastoral support for each other and our families.
Charity is at the heart of all we do, this includes supporting local organisations, for example The Spilsby Food Bank, Spilsby Guides & Scouts and LIVES as well as National & International causes via The Masonic Charitable Foundation.
Although the Lodge is very proud of its traditions it is also forward thinking and utilises social media to maintain links with its members ensuring everyone is involved and engaged. This allows all members to feel they are an integral part of our fraternity irrespective of length of membership.
For more information contact:
Gary Limb
Shakespeare Lodge Secretary
Tel No 01205 751230
Eccles Lodge, No 8632, is a Masonic Lodge in the Province of Lincolnshire which was formed in 1973 and warranted in 1974 by The United Grand Lodge of England.
Our membership varies in age from 21 years onwards. We come from a diverse professional and cultural background and we promote various hobbies, including sporting, cultural and social activities, to name a few. We enjoy working together to deliver ritual and ceremonies to the best of our abilities, which makes for very special evenings for candidates, members and visitors alike.
The Lodge meets at The Spilsby Masonic Centre, Halton Road, Spilsby, eight times a year on the second Tuesday from October to May, commencing at 6.30 pm.
Our dress code is dark morning suit, black tie, black socks and black shoes.
As most organisations of similar function and purpose, Masonry has an annual fee of £110.
We presently have 54 subscribing members with an average turnout of 69 %, not including our many visitors from other lodges around the United Kingdom and worldwide; which is testament to the friendly and supportive style of our Lodge meetings and concluding with a convivial evening meal, comprising of a main course and desert, at a cost of £11.
The Lodge values each member’s support at any level. This could take the form of being very involved in the ceremonies and rituals, being more administratively orientated or by simply suggesting and helping to arrange social events. We acknowledge that each member has different amounts of time that they can make available to Freemasonry and we try our best to ensure that all members are warmly welcome at all times.
However, every brother is afforded the opportunity to become better at what they enjoy doing and indeed those things that they find a challenge. All brethren are treated equally, encouraged and supported to attain inner enlightenment through personal growth and development; and to embrace the way in which masonic education adds value and meaning to our lives.
Eccles Lodge organize a number of social events each year. These are varied to accommodate the profile of members that we have. There is always something for everyone to attend. Our social events welcome not just our members but also our friends and their families to come and take part in what is rapidly becoming our unofficial motto, “Enjoyment, friendship and fellowship”.
Each year we collect and donate to various charity organisations locally and around the Province.
We hope you have found the above profile helpful. If you have any question or if Freemasonry is of further interest to you; then you can email our secretary, Mark Brown at spilsby8632@gmail.com who will be most delighted to assist you further.