A visit to the Olive Union Freemasons’ lodge brought a huge surprise for Chris Jones, who’ll shortly set off on a 7,000-mile sponsored walk to raise funds for Lincolnshire Freemason’ drive to give £2.25m to our charity the MCF.
Chris takes up the story: “I’ve just got in from visiting Olive Union. What a great night! It was their Christmas lodge, so there were lots of sprouts and carol singing. There was a special mention of my walk in Lodge, and I was presented with a cheque for £500 from Steve Pickwell from the the Horncastle Masonic Benevolent Fund and another £200 cash from Charlie Storr from The Horncastle Masonic Club.
“I was absolutely overwhelmed and was fortunate to be able to thank them properly. “With donations made to me personally, I have nearly covered the cost of equipment for the walk, so the money I will get from selling my motorbike will easily cover my costs for the walk.
“It was very special to be given this love and support from the Olive Union Lodge. They are the mother Lodge of the Round Table Lodge and I have been visiting their lodge since 2014.”