Freemasons have thrown open the doors of the Lincoln Masonic Rooms for the first of a trio of ‘getting to know us’ breakfast meetings.
More than 60 people came along, said organiser Stephen Kirby of Paulinus Lodge, Lincoln, who explained: “This wasn’t about charity; it was about fraternity and friendship, and a chance for non-freemasons to meet us and join in a fun and relaxed atmosphere, and share a fantastic breakfast.”
Stephen hopes to organise two more breakfasts to keep members in touch with each other through the summer break, and offer more opportunities for non-Freemasons to learn about the craft in general and Lincolnshire Freemasons in particular. He has already taken bookings, showing the level of interest.
The next events are due to take place at the same venue Saturday July 8th and Saturday 12th August.
To book a place, or ask for more details about the event, please email