UGLE SGC Letter Covid_Update_8_Jan_2021_docxProvincial Grand Master Dave Wheeler is writing to all Lodges and Chapters in Lincolnshire to share a letter from Grand Secretary David Staples.
Dave’s letter reads: “With reference to the letter from the Grand Secretary/Grand Scribe E below, and in particular the highlighted paragraph, please note that ALL Lodge and Chapter meetings in the Province of Lincolnshire remain suspended until further notice.
“I appreciate that this will not be a surprise in our current situation, and I urge you to encourage all of your Brethren and Companions to make every effort to provide support to each other during these very serious and difficult times.
“I pass on my personal best wishes to you all with the sincere hope that we all come through this challenging period safely, and I look forward to better times ahead.
“Please communicate this message to all of your Brethren and Companions.”