Now he’s walked the walk of 6,500 miles around Britain’s coastline, it’s time for Chris Jones to talk the talk about his achievement for a Lincolnshire audience, which he’s doing on the afternoon of Saturday February 15th – and you can be there to hear it.
In an event open to Freemasons, family members, and friends, what Chris says will be up to his audience, because it’s to be a question and answer session. Says Chris: “The walk was my life for two years, and I could talk about it for England. But the only way I’ll know what people want to hear is if they ask me themselves.”
There will be an opportunity for audience members to ask questions during the talk, but he’s also happy to take questions beforehand. To register a question before the event, email it to Stuart Pearcey, and he’ll put it a list for Chris. As many of those as possible will be asked alongside ones from the audience.
The event is at the Doubletree By Hilton alongside Lincoln’s Brayford Pool. It starts at 12.30 for 1pm, when there will be a buffet, with the talk starting at 2pm. The talk will be followed by a charity auction with a range of prizes, including a motorhome for a week and free use of an AirBNB property in Norfolk. Proceeds from that will be put towards his fundraising target of £100,000 for the Freemasons’ charity the MCF, whose counselling service he’s convinced saved his life when he was at his lowest ebb. So far he has banked more than £70,000.
Chris has already started writing a book about this adventures.. In it he’ll explain how that drove him to take on the challenge; the high and low points of the walk; the people he met along the way; and the lessons he learned. Those attending the event will be invited to pledge to buy the earliest copies, and a commitment to buy will mean their names can be included in the final publication. Says Chris: “I don’t yet know what the cost of the book will be. There is so much I could say, and so many pictures I could include. I hope it’ll be more than a chronicle of two years of my life, but perhaps a self-help book for those who may be treading the same path of mental troubles that I trod, and which led me to undertake the walk.
Cost for the afternoon event is £20 per head. To book places, email Chris at, and make payment of £20 per head to the Provincial account. Sort code 53-50-10. Account number 04319257. Be sure to put ‘Chris Jones Talk‘ as a reference.
MEANWHILE, Chris’s donation page is still open at this link, where he has already been given donations of more than £70,000. To discover more of his adventures, have a look at his YouTube channel here.