Almost 60 members and guests at St Lawrence Lodge in Scunthorpe enjoyed a Festive Board with a twist at the Lodge’s latest meeting – Trafalgar Night. Visitors attended from as far afield as London, and included a returning member who had not attended a meeting for 38 years!
Miniature medals were worn by those entitled to them, and one visitor even carried his father’s DFC in his pocket – a poignant reminder of another St Lawrence member and DFC winner the late Bob Wareing, who won the award twice. Both men had flown in the Pathfinder Squadron at the same time during WW2
Ensigns were paraded in and out by Johnny Rydlewicz, left, and Karl Lycett
Lodge member David Gibson set up the event with a room bedecked with naval bunting and echoing to the singing of sea shanties ably led by Liaison Officer Paul Anyan from Gainsborough’s Yarborough Lodge.
The menu was Trafalgar inspired, with a main course of Broadside Roast Beef of Old England served with Yorkshire Puddings, (which would have been mixed by the Admiral himself had the lack of an arm not blunted his culinary abilities); Victory Dessert of Eton Mess (which started life as a Pavlova, but chef dropped it when distracted by a French cannonball whistling past his ear on its way through the galley); followed by Hardy’s Finale of Cheese and Biscuits (the best of the cheese scavenged from the ship’s rat traps, accompanied by the finest biscuits the Quartermaster was able to furnish).
The evening was judged to have been a resounding success by all those who attended, and are already looking forward to a repeat next year. Dave Gibson is now working on producing the sound of cannon fire to bring the event still further to life…