The latest meeting of the Earl of Yarborough Lodge was as much of a surprise for former PGM Graham Ives as the night of his initiation had been fifty years ago – because current PGM Dave Wheeler made a surprise appearance, accompanied by W. Bros David Bird, Tony Miller and Provincial DC Noel Fisher.
Crumbs! Has there ever been such a pair of cake stewards as PGM Dave Wheeler and his predecessor Graham Ives, who was serving his own 73rd birthday cake.
Dave accepted the gavel and presented Graham Ives with his 50-year certificate, which was received with much warmth and humour, with Graham saying later: “I was overwhelmed by the friendship and warmth extended to me. It did indeed make me feel quite humble, but not for long! As you know, I do like to be the centre of attention!”
It was a double celebration as it was also Graham’s 73rd birthday. He was presented with a gift of engraved glasses (and a bottle!) from the brethren of the Earl of Yarborough Lodge before the lodge conducted an exemplary second degree ceremony for Brother Vlad Solomon.
The celebrations continued at the festive board, with Graham being invited to speak about his 50 years in Freemasonry. His reflections on his own initiation ceremony, being made W Master of the Lodge and, ultimately, Provincial Grand Master and Grand Superintendent, were very well received by all present.
Graham said the evening of celebration had been a truly memorable and special evening for him. A final surprise of a birthday cake and a rousing rendition of ‘Happy Birthday’ completed a wonderful evening for all present, although it was commented that the two ‘stewards’ serving the cake, shown in our picture, were not of the standard of stewards in the past!