Lincolnshire’s Membership Pathway Presentation team has hit the road again with a trip to Bourne in the south of the Province.
Almost forty representatives of Lodges in that part of the world came along, indicating a willingness at Lodge level to pick up the tools offered by The Members’ Pathway in rising to the challenge issue by the Pro Grand Master to reverse the inexorable decline in membership being suffered by Freemasonry.
Further roadshows will take place around the Province until every Lodge has had the chance to visit a seminar close to its meeting place, with this year’s seminars enhanced by a presentation about the Royal Arch by Chris Foster from Lincoln (that’s him in the burgundy shirt in our picture, which also features PGM Dave Wheeler).
These pictures are by Ralf Galloway, a member of Doric Lodge in Grantham, who said the morning’s event had been excellent, with a really good atmosphere.