Lincolnshire’s Second Provincial Grand Principal Mike Rix has been invited to be part of a new Supreme Grand Chapter working party.
Made up of just six people from across the country, the Membership & Communications Working Party has been asked to help with work that could make a significant change to Chapter Freemasonry in England and Wales.
Mike, a member of the Isle of Axholme Chapter in Crowle, said: “We shall be analysing membership and reviewing the current ‘narrative’ – the way Provinces and Metropolitan Grand Lodge talk about the Holy Royal Arch – to find out which approach is most effective.
“That will include sharing work developed in Lincolnshire such as our two guides, one each for Master Masons and the Chapter’s Active Team members, both of which will have a positive impact on Royal Arch Freemasonry in our Province, once we are able to meet again.
“It’s going to be a very exciting project, providing a unique opportunity to make a significant impact on the future of the Holy Royal Arch. “I’m looking forward to getting started on the work, and adding Lincolnshire’s voice to a project with national importance for the dramatic and beautiful degree.”