Members of the Supreme Council, the most senior members of Rose Croix, have visited Grimsby to install Adrian Joyce as head of the order in Lincolnshire.
Almost 80 members of the order were at the ceremony, hosted by The Tower Chapter, to watch him installed at Inspector General for the District of Lincolnshire to replace Trevor Clingan.
All of Lincolnshire’s Chapters were represented at the ceremony, as were the Province’s three newest members; Terry Taggart of Wolds Chapter, Andrew Bray of Crookshank Chapter, and Russell Epton of Candleshoe Chapter. Andrew and Russell had joined the Order less than four days earlier. All are pictured above.
In his address to the meeting, Adrian said: “Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander. Members of Supreme Council, Very Illustrious Inspectors General, Brethren All.
“We have only one plan for the District of Lincolnshire, that is to create happy, vibrant chapters. My role as Inspector General is to support, encourage and offer guidance, but more importantly to Listen.
“Brethren and Princes, we belong to a special prestigious Order, and with your assistance I look forward to helping it to grow and strengthen over the coming years.
“To do that we need to understand the role of our Craft Lodges. Freemasonry is not a competition; it is a shared journey where we support each other on our chosen path. Our Mother Lodge is the most important part of that journey, it is where we are taught the lessons and principles of a Freemason.
“We are fortunate in Lincolnshire to have a very enthusiastic and vibrant Province, which can only be accredited to the excellent work our Provincial Grand Master and his Executive teams have put in over the past six years. Aligned to the hard work of our Past Provincial Grand Masters, all of whom are here today, and understand the relevance of this beautiful order.
“The Christian values of the Ancient and Accepted Rite, and the lessons of the 18th degree Perfection ceremony, have an integral part to play in a Freemason’s journey. Faith, hope, charity, love, compassion, forgiveness, tolerance, humility, integrity, truth, kindness – all of these values have a place in our ever-changing world.
“We have had changes to our Order recently, all of which I fully support. There is a diversity in modern life that we have to accept and, in many ways, embrace. Sharing our Christian values, not just with our Brothers and Companions in Freemasonry, but in all walks of life can only bring positive outcomes.
“The answers to all of your questions and doubts are in the words Brethren; ‘May the precepts of morality and fervent piety lead us to repress every unkind thought and smooth every asperity of feeling. Let us not forget that we should be children of humility and so order our lives that the world will acknowledge; how good and pleasant it is for Brethren to dwell together in Unity, for so is the will of god, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men; as free, and not to use your liberty for a cloak of maliciousness but as servants of God. Honour all men, love the Brotherhood, Fear God, Honour the King.’
Adrian with the Most Wise Sovereign (in effect its Master) Peter Brookes.
The three Joyces: Adrian with his brother and father, who recently celebrated his 60th wedding anniversary.
Not quite a photobomb: Adrian was aware that the PGM was standing behind him, but not of the gesture. Freemasonry is supposed to be fun!…
Adrian with the latest two Lincolnshire Rose Croix members promoted to the 32nd degree at a ceremony in London.