John Prizeman, the Pro Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons, has addressed the business meeting organised by Pro Grand Master Jonathan Spence. This is what he said:
I would not be where I am today unless and because first and foremost I am a Craft and Royal Arch Mason. And I will tell you why, because it has allowed me over the last fifty one years to take further measured steps on my Masonic journey.
And I always remind Mark Lodges, Provinces and Mark Grand Lodge of that fact – because active participation in our Craft Lodges and Royal Arch Chapters will identify those Brethren who may qualify by their active participation to make further Masonic discoveries.
In six of the Orders administered from Mark Masons’ Hall there is a requirement that the candidate is a Royal Arch Mason.
I am pleased to note that recently the Mark Provincial Grand Master for London with the support of the Metropolitan Grand Master has held Royal Arch awareness meetings for Mark Masons.
The Royal Arch should not be considered a means to an end but an integral part of the Brethren and Companions understanding of the route their Masonic journey should take – again first and foremost the Three Degrees including the Royal Arch.
I repeat, it stands to reason we should be active Craft and Royal Arch Masons so that we can advise Brethren and Companions on the next logical routes available to them which their curiosity, inclination and personal circumstances in life will allow them to pursue on their Masonic journey.
It is essential that in Provinces and Districts there is a regular and programmed dialogue between the Heads of Orders within Provinces or Districts, as there now is between the United Grand Lodge of England and the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons at Mark Masons’ Hall.
The Orders beyond the Craft and Royal Arch administered by Mark Masons’ Hall should in many instances be considered complementary and Companion Orders. They are not instead of – but they are as well as.
I would suggest Freemasonry is a many faceted jewel to which all those facets bring a brilliance to the whole.
I thank you for your kind attention.”
John Prizeman
Pro Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons