With a faint glow of optimism that 2021 could see us meeting in Lodge rooms again, soon-to-be Lincolnshire Provincial Membership Officer Mike Clay is doing all in his power to support us in recruitment efforts – but he needs Lodges’ help to make that happen.
As with any time of national crisis, the pandemic has seen a groundswell of potential new members getting in touch to explore what Freemasonry has to offer as a source of stability in uncertain times.
Says Mike, who officially becomes PMO in May: “Every Province in the UK has between 150 and 200 people who’ve expressed an interest in becoming Freemasons. Whilst this is great news – and what Lodge wouldn’t like to welcome in new members – we don’t have an entirely seamless process for fitting new people to the right Lodge. The Members’ Pathway provides us with a very effective route to ensuring we have the right kind of candidate joining us, but what’s missing is our ability to be certain we’re matching them to the right lodge.”
Where your help’s needed
And that’s where he needs your help. The Provincial web site lists all of our centres and the Lodges that meet within them. “There’s potential for every Lodge to have its own profile within that page, but not all have taken it up,” says Mike. “With a little encouragement all of the Lodges at my own centre in Lincoln have created their profiles, and that’s a huge help to me and the rest of the Membership Officers in fitting round pegs in round holes for new members.
“If every Lodge in the Province were to do the same, those profiles would build into a valuable resource to support candidates and Lodges alike in taking Freemasonry into the future, and building a positive outcome from what has been a truly awful time for all of us.”
To see an example of a Lodge profile go to the ‘Masonic Centres’ page on the web site here, click on ‘Lincoln’, and then click a Lodge name to see its profile. The names of all Lodges which have profiles are shown in bold, blue text. Names of the ones that don’t and in light face, and black.
For more information and advice, email Mike on mikeclay5219@gmail.com