About a third of Lincolnshire’s Lodges have responded to the questionnaire sent by Deputy PGM John Crutchley to gather information about progress against the Membership Challenge – and now he’s looking forward to seeing the rest.
“It’s a great early response,” said John, who added that he was looking forward to seeing results from the remaining Lodges. “I know we ask a great deal from our Secretaries, much of whose work is done away form the spotlight, but if we are able to collate these figures we shall better understand our membership position. Remember, this is not just a passing initiative; the work we are doing now will be the foundation of Freemasonry for a very long time to come. By making sure that all our candidates come into the Craft knowing what to expect from us, and what we shall expect from them we shall have a much more secure and stable future.”
Looking at the national data, he said that Lincolnshire was doing well, and was ‘ahead of the curve’. He said: “At the start of the Challenge we were losing three in every ten new members in their first year – almost 30%. That figure is now down to just five percent.”